Part 16

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You woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you saw was Nori curled up into ball sleeping in on your bed. She lifted her head and opened her eyes and saw you. She hugged you, "(Y/N)!" She yelled which caused all og your friends to come in. You looked down at your stomach and there was a circleish scar where the hole was. "How am I still alive?" You asked, "You're not" Porlyusica said, "What?" You asked, "you're not alive, have you seen the heart monitor? You are a full demon with demon blood. I had to get rid of all your human organs and blood in order for you to survive." She explained, you looked down "It wont be much of a difference, I never needed the human stuff inside of me. I was never born, I was just made to kill and destroy" you said, then you stood up and walked outside.

You were sitting on a bench and then you saw Rogue walk up to you, "Glad to know your alive" he said, "I'm not, I have no heart" you commented, "Look, I-I like you" he said, you smiled slightly and walked up to him, "I do too" and then he kissed you. It was a sweet kiss, "I guess we are a thing now huh?" You asked, he chuckled "Yeah" then you kissed again. Your life was getting lighter.

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