Heathens - Twenty One Pilots [Septiplier #2]

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"...and he's just crazy? What's his file?" /Crazy. That's what they called him. /Crazy./ He had another name, once. Actually, he had a few, but now, he only preferred one. "His name is Seán, Dr. Seán McLoughlin, otherwise known as 'Septiquinn' or 'Jack'."

Jack. Jack is good. Yes, very good. We like that.

"He used to be a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum till he was assigned to treat Mark Fischbach, otherwise known as 'The Joker', who he developed a romantic relationship with and was manipulated by."

Take that back, I loved him! I love him! He loves me!

"He also helped The Joker escape the Asylum and was subsequently rewarded with electroshock therapy, ending in him jumping into a vat of unknown chemicals and bleaching his skin and hair. Possibility of brain damage, but we haven't been able to really confirm that."

Ha! See! He does loves me! He freed me!

"He's aided and abated in the death of several civilians and was an accessory in the murder of Jason Todd, otherwise known as Robin. He's detained here in Belle Reve Penitentiary until further notice."

He was in the way, fuck you guys! He was going to hurt my puddin'.

Jack kept his mouth shut as the officials talked despite his thoughts, blue and pink dyed blonde hair sticking up out of the bars of his cell as he watched them pass, blue eyes icy against the paleness of his skin. Maybe he should escape, maybe he should just...

No! We must wait. Our love will come for us soon. Yes, yes! Waiting's good. We can wait.

He could wait. Sighing, he went and settled on his bed, sipping tea from his cup with crossed legs, eyes staying on the men as they did the rounds around him. It was a while before they left and Jack was darn near falling asleep, but a commotion suddenly awoke him. Screaming. Why were people screaming? And gunshots?

Men suddenly burst into the room, wearing...cards. Followed by someone else. A larger figure.

Shirtless. Covered in tattoos. Purple coat. Green hair. Manic grin.


"Told you I'd come back for you, sweetheart."

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