Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley [Crankplier/High School AU]

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

Jesus Christ. What the hell?! 17 year old Mark Fischbach groaned, the constant loud noise suddenly jarring him from sleep, eyes half open as he looked over at the clock beside him.

1:30 AM

Another loud tap made him look up from the clock to glare heatedly at the window, where another pebble suddenly clinked against the glass. Tap.

Someone was going to die, right the fuck now. He had school in the morning for Christ sake!

Hauling himself up from the bed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, the red haired man lumbered over to the window, throwing it open with a burst of adrenaline and ready to yell some god awful things out into the night, when his brain stopped in shock.

16 year old Ethan Nestor, otherwise known as Bluebird, Blue Boy or Crank around their high school was standing sheepishly on his front lawn in a t-shirt and sleep pants, a ukulele in hand and sapphire coloured hair wild. Grinning rather nervously up at Mark, he started strumming the strings like a well oiled machine, mouth opening.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you..."

Mark's mouth snapped shut, unable to even gape at the scene in front of him. Ethan. Ethan Nestor, the guy he had become friends with and had the biggest crush on since 9th grade, was standing on his front lawn at bum-o-fuck o'clock in nothing but pajamas, serenading his tall tired ass with Elvis Presley. What the fuck?

"That I can't help falling in love with you...I can't help falling in love...falling in love with you..." Ethan finished, smiling nervously up at Mark, acne covered cheeks as red as the crest of hair on Mark's head.

Mark blinked, processing everything, before an small smile came over his face. "Oh, come on up here, cutie, we have a lot to talk about and I don't want you freezing to death while we do it."

Needless to say, they didn't really get around to actually talking that night.

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