Goodbye - Miley Cyrus [Grethan]

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Ethan was gone. Ethan was just...

Grayson screamed into his pillow, fuck everyone and everything music blaring out of the speakers to block out his parents arguing downstairs. It was their fault he hadn't left his room in almost 2 months after all. Cameron tried to help, but all she could do was hold him when he cried and that didn't do much, though he tried to make out that it did.

It had started years ago now, when he and Ethan first starting doing Vine. As more and more people started following them and they started to do more and more things together, they had grown closer to eachother than ever. A little too close.

First, it was be able to share a bathroom without cringing, even when naked. Then stealing bites of food in a non jokey way. The putting of heads on shoulders when watching TV or a movie. Soon enough, Grayson actually found that he could only sleep if Ethan was in his bed or vice versa. It made for a lot of difficult nights for both of them.

Soon enough, they had both come to the realisation that this wasn't what brothers, even disgustingly close ones like themselves, usually did. In fact, it was far from it.

After a sit down alone together that lead to a rather long talk filled with tears and denial and yelling at eachother, they finally just gave in and kissed the living hell out of eachother. Unfortunately, the cloud nine feeling couldn't last forever.

They had been at home for Thanksgiving and thought only Cameron was home in another part of the house, so, naturally, they decided to try using the hallway cupboard in their parent's house for a quick make out sesh. The discovery of the twins in the closet by their mother however went downhill even faster though.

Now he was here, Ethan having been kicked out as the instigator back to their home, their apartment, while Grayson was held back and prevented from taking off with him, his parents keeping their youngest son under lock and key while trying to go make him see a therapist, which he had consistently been blowing off and had flat out refused to go to today.

Pulling him out of his reverie, he suddenly heard someone coming upstairs despite his music and rolled over, pretending to be asleep, his back facing the door. What he didn't expect however, was Cameron, rushing in and dumping her cellphone in his hand. "It's him. Talk to him. Please."

Grayson hesitated, fingers twitching, aching to pick up that phone and he gave in despite his best instincts. "Hello?"

"Gray..." Ethan's voice was so broken, Grayson could feel it in his own body despite the distance. "Oh Baby Gray, it's so nice to hear your voice."

"I hate it here." Grayson suddenly choked out, his slightly older twin's voice like a bullet ricocheting though his mind. "I hate it here. I hate Mom, I hate Dad, I hate it here E'."

"...I know. I know. I can't spend another day like this. I can't spend another day of my life without you."

"Then why won't you come and save me?" Grayson begged, looking at the wall as tears clouded his vision. "Come be my Superman, E'. I just want to come home, to us. To you."

There was stark silence on the end of the line before Ethan's voice popped back in, breathless. "Look outside."


"I'm right here waiting for you. Let's go home, Gray."

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