Soap - Melanie Martinez [Colvan]

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Devan sighed with a small smile, watching all the white foam he had been currently waiting for to rise to the surface of the similarly colored tub he had been sitting on the edge of, almost psychically feeling the relief he was going to get from sinking into the warm water below him after another day of filming videos with Collins.

He let out a small chuckle at the mere thought of his magician brother, shaking his head as he undressed and slid in, a rather pleased groan leaving his lips as he sat, letting the warm water soothe the ache in his tall frame while he played with the soap, unwilling to lie down yet. He had to think about some things.

Like the feeling he got when him and his brother were play fighting, or making a video or doing anything at all. The warm feeling startled him everytime it come over him and it was a feeling that scared him because only Collins caused it and it seemed like it was something that he shouldn't be feeling towards his older brother.

Something he needed to get rid of at his earliest convenience.

Devan hung his head sadly as he watched the bubbles dripping from his hands. 'I wish I knew why I felt this way. Why do I feel this way about Collins? Am I in love? Am I crazy. I think so. I need to stop it. All of it. He could never love me the way I love him. Never. It's unholy. It's wrong. But i love him...I don't know what to do...'

He didn't know what to do though, in ways on how to get rid of feelings you didn't understand. Thinking is only making him more confused, but also, it was making him oblivious of the world around him.

Had Devan been paying attention or less distracted, he would have seen the bathroom door open, feet making their way towards him and clothing hit the floor before he felt the cold shock of legs siding from behind him to rest beside his body, his sputtering and failing triggering a light laugh and a warm familiar arm to snake around him and pull his body down gently to rest his head against an equally as warm chest, familiar fingers running though his hair.

"I've been waiting for you to say that for years, Devan."

Still spluttering, but less surprised and more shocked, Devan couldn't react. Had he been saying his thoughts out loud? Had Collins heard him? Was this really happening right now?

Suddenly, Devan quickly stuck his face under the water, inhaling soap into his mouth while he was at it. He was pulled up suddenly, soap pretty much coming out his nose and mouth at an alarming rate, bubbles appearing out of nowhere as he coughed. Collins's shocked face stared back at him when he got his bearings back. Yep, this was real.

Before he could react more, Devan leapt on him, lips pressing themselves against his and the taste of flowers and bubbles overwhelming him.

He would have to wash his mouth out with more soap after this.

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