Animal - Neon Trees [Shyan] (Shifter!AU)

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It was not his fault that Ryan hadn't called him beforehand saying he was coming over to his apartment, but maybe it was the fact that at the time, he hadn't had any arms, nor speed currently at the moment to answer the phone.

He had just been lying in the sun, basking in the golden rays as they warmed his skin, when Ryan burst in like a chicken with his head cut off, only to start freaking the fuck out.

Well, you would possibly freakout as well seeing a giant 19-foot long anaconda lying curled up on your best friend's windowsill staring at you confused (or at least, as confused as a snake can look really, snakes don't really have expressions...or eyebrows.)

Backed up against the wall, he's sure Ryan is about to either hyperventilate and have a panic attack in his kitchen or call the local wildlife services to report that a snake may have possibly eaten his best friend, so he gets to work quickly slithering over the window, under the table and though the chairs of his dining space to shift back to his human form behind the couch in the living room, getting up rather gracefully afterwards with a sheepish smile as Ryan just stares in what seems to be horror.

"Hi, little guy. What brings you over?"

" the /fuck/, Shane?"

"Hey, you never asked what I could turn into to be fair, Ry." He chuckled. Everyone had a shifting power, the main animal that they could turn into and had learnt to turn into over the course of their lives. In the first year of meeting him, Shane had discovered that Ryan could turn into a fox and a fricken' awesome fox as well.

(There was just something funny about a giant red bundle of fur chasing a squeaky ball meant for a cat that was just too pure to be legal. In his mind that is.)

"That were a fucking snake!" He doesn't know whether the look on Ryan's face is still horrified or is slowly morphing into wonder, but he just shrugs, shoulders still loose.

"Anaconda is the correct term, thankyou Mr I-Flinch-Seeing-Grass-Snakes."

"Hey, that was one time! It looked like it was coming towards the house!"

"Ryan, it was going away from the house. Grass snakes don't give a shit about humans."

"Whatever." Ryan rolled his eyes, but the look on his face was definitely curious now. "Can you do it again?"

"Seriously?" Shane just looked at him.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded again, abit hesitant. "I wanna actually see it. Not...freak out so much."

Shane kept staring at him for a moment before his shoulders shrugged and he moved behind the couch again. There was a sound of bones shuffling (honestly, it sounded almost like a child crunching fall leaves under their boots on concrete) before a very flat brown head with beady black eyes appeared rather shyly from it's hiding place, before it's body propelled it forward and it raised itself to stand as tall as Ryan, the rest in a tangled heap on the carpet as Ryan, wide eyed and gaping, reached out a shaky head that made connection with his neck, his figners running down the nape of it.

"You're all...silky. I mean, I've never really touched a snake before, but I assumed you'd be more...slimy I guess? I don't know, this is all new to me." Ryan babbled as his fingers stroked over the differently pigmented scales that made up Shane's shifter form. "I mean, I knew for sure you weren't a bear like Curly or something, but I didn't expect a snake. How the hell did you grow up in the Midwest like this?"

Shane just let out a hiss that sounded like a chuckle at the question, the rumble traveling up Ryan's fingers, making him laugh a little also. "Your head is almost as big as me in fox form, guess some things never change."

He swore he saw the anaconda's eyes roll at the insult, but just shook his head as it continued to stare at him, it's gaze feeling like it could melt him somehow and he feels hismelf getting closer and closer.

He doesn't know exactly what happens next, or even how he gets there (later he'd come to and there will be a lot of talking about how he managed to kiss a semi-posionous snake and not die) but everything blurs together until finally, Shane's back at the window again, chilling as the midday sun beats down once again into where he has curled himself on the ledge, but this time, a little red fox, no bigger than a teddy bear, is curled up in the middle of the whirl the snake's body has made, snoozing lightly on it's back, little black nose pressed into the snake's side as it stays still, unwilling to move even the smallest bit in case the fox wakes.

After all, naps are made to be shared sometimes. Right?

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