Keep Me Crazy - Sheppard [Wildladd/Minicat]

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FYI as of 06/01/2021 - I no longer watch MiniLadd videos or follow his content/accounts as of last year thanks to the allegations and subsequent proof of Mini has pedophilic tendencies and has both sexually assaulted and harassed minors. These are disgusting and degrading acts by humanity that no one should endorse, no matter where or whom they are coming from. Therefore any content I have posted formally as a previous fan should be taken with a grain of salt at this knowledge. Thank you for your understanding. - Scott


Their breath was wild, no frantic as they hid from the approaching enemy in the dark, weapons poised in their arms and ready to shoot at anything that crossed their path.

"Okay -" Tyler turned to his partner in crime, chest heaving rapidly as he spoke. "Just how are we going to do this? We're outnumbered!"

"Shh, they'll hear you!" Craig hissed, adjusting his glasses quickly to wipe away the fog clouding his vision. "They don't know we're right here, still on their territory. We just need to go about it slowly. Give them the element of surprise."

They both shut up as they heard light footsteps from behind the wall they were against, breathing a sigh of relief as they faded quickly and Craig turned to Tyler with a nod. "Okay, on my count, we charge and give it all we've got. Ready?"

Tyler nodded, shifting his weapon nervously and licking his lips.

"Three!" They charged out of the dark and were greeted with confused silence before-

"ATTACK!" Three water guns came out of nowhere and sprayed their deadly assault all over the living room, soaking both Tyler and Craig thoroughly, even though the two men valiantly tried to fight their way back, laughing.

"Oh no!" Tyler cried out in defeat, fake fainting onto the ground and groaning like he had just died as Craig started laughing harder against the kitchen countertop behind him.

"Daddy, no!" Suddenly, Tyler was being shaken furiously and opened his eyes laughing to three cute little kids, a young dark haired boy in Spongebob pajamas, a little girl with light colored pigtails and Frozen pajamas and another dark haired boy that looked exactly the same as the other one, only in deep green t-rex pajamas. All holding water pistols.

They squealed as he scooped them up all easily, getting up off the ground. "Caught you!"

"Foiled again!" One of the boys cried out, but eventually all of them were laughing, all talking a hundred miles a minute as they went to put away their toys.

"Kaden, Landon and Kayliee - 1, Papa and Daddy - 0." Tyler chuckled at Craig, who sighed.

"How are they so much smarter than we are!?"

"That's just how kids are, babe. Don't worry too much about it." Tyler yawned, pulling Craig closer to him with a suspiciously stray arm. "We'll get them next time."

Craig just hummed, resting his damp head on Tyler's even damper shoulder for a moment before they both moved. This mess wasn't going to clean itself up.

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