You're Gonna Be (Always Loved By Me) - Reba McEntire (Mpreg) [Joeck]

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6lbs and 9oz. lookin' up at me, like I have all the answers, I hope I have the ones you need

Jack never thought he'd find himself in this situation, but here he was. He was all alone, surrounded by machines, scared out of his mind and with good reason too.

Resting in his arms and wrapped in pink was a baby girl, a baby girl he was never supposed to have in the first place.

At 6 pounds and 9 ounces, 'Melody' (as he'd not come up with a name and had to give the doctors something so they wouldn't take her away) was the most beautiful thing he'd ever encountered.

Too bad she would have to go if they found out.

That alone made him let out a sob, shoulders shaking.

It had all started, months ago now, when Jack and his friend Joe Sugg started dating. Everyone was happy for them, his brother Conor, Joe's sister Zoe, everyone, so he was pretty much on Cloud 9 for the longest time.

But then he became sick and Joe became wayward.

While he had spent an entire night throwing up into their shared apartment toilet, Joe had gone out with Oli and Caspar and Josh, along with some of their other friends.

Needless to say, he knew that video of Joe kissing another man wasn't supposed to be sent to his phone, let alone by Joe himself. He'd spent the rest of the night crying, before ringing Conor and begging him to come take his stuff.

He said it was only till he could find a new apartment, when he arrived on his parents doorstep that weekend to inform them.

He had been ignoring Joe's calls and didn't really want to hang around London so he needed somewhere else to think and they were more than happy to take him in.

But the vomiting didn't stop, in fact, it got worse.

Eventually, Conor had to employ Mikey's help to drag Jack to the doctors kicking and screaming, where on a bed in the middle of an cold, cold room, Jack found out the truth.

He cried when the doctor sat him down and told him that he was pregnant. He knew he was all alone, Joe wouldn't want this. His family wouldn't understand, or at least, not in his eyes.

He was 22 years old, single, homeless (in a way) and hardly any money to fend for himself as most of it was being saved for rent.

Emerging a few moments later, Conor almost leapt on him seeing the tear trails down his cheeks and he brushed it off to his annoyance, muttering about the doctor pressing on his stomach and something about a severe case of gastroenteritis and 'I'm perfectly fucking fine, bro. Just a stomach ache, be all over soon, stop worrying'.

Only he knew that it wouldn't stop. It would only get worse. So he decided to, after a lot of sitting in his old childhood room and debating it, leave. It was the best option in his eyes.

Armed with a set of clothes that he estimated he could use for a long while and his wallet with the picture of himself, Anna and Conor inside it on a family vacation, he snuck out and went on his way, tears streaming down his face.

He was in a cafe in Gloucester when he first heard of it. It came on on whatever hipster radio station the people who ran this little hole in the wall were playing.

He made sure to cover his face as he left.

Over the months saw his stomach grow, as well as his beard and hair, but he tried to keep that trimmed at least. The beard was a welcome surprise, so he kept that.

It was in Birmingham where he heard about it next. Or rather, read about it.

It was in the newspaper, in plain print. His family were looking and to his horror, so was Joe.

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