Needle, NOOO!

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My ribs just being cracked was no big deal, so the nice doctors patched me up, and told me I had to stay for at least a night.  That wasn't so bad though, I still couldn't move, thanks to an um gay ninja, so for now I was sitting on the hospital bed with my eyes closed.

I had my chakra in my ears, so I could listen better; I really wanted to know if Sasuke was okay.  All I heard though was Kakashi telling the nurses that the anbu were all dead, and in the hallway.  Her breath then caught in her throat, so before she could speak she had to clear it.

"Alright, thank you sir.  We will get someone up there right away." she replied in an almost steady voice.

"Thank you, now do you know when the girl will be released?" Kakashi Sensei asked her.

"Sometime tomorrow, sir."

"She won't be happy about that." Kakashi Sensei chuckled.

"Yes, she already expressed her dislike when the doctor told her so." the nurse also laughed.  I opened my eyes again.  Nothing was being said about Sasuke, so he was probably alright.  I just really hope Kabuto doesn't come back.

I looked around my room, the plain white walls were depressing, the blue carpet was thin and barely covering the floor, and the lighting was all together to bright, but the needles all around the room were the worst. 

I hate needles, maybe even more then I hate blood.  Blood I could do, as long as it wasn't on me, or my friends weren't covered in it.  Needles on the other hand were horrible.  I freeze every time I enter a room with needles, and if someone comes at me with one.  I run off and don't look back until I know I'm safe.

I just wanted to get out of here, but I couldn't move my body.  All I could move were the tips of my fingers, but that was just a little movement.  Did they really expect me to sit here?  This was killing me not being able to move.  I always move, even when I'm sleeping, I MOVE!  Could someone just come in here and like, I don't know move my arms for me?

What I really wanted to be doing was going to go and spy on the sand siblings.  I really needed to find out more about their plans.  I needed a lot of information in order to tell the Hokage what I know.  This is one of the reasons I quit, I needed to be able to focus on finding out information about Orochimaru's plans.  I quit so I wouldn't have to worry about fighting anyone, so I could focus, but now to stupid gay ninjas.  I was stuck in a hospital until I could move.

Since I was going to be here awhile, and I couldn't draw and/or play my flute.  I decided this would be a good time to practice my telekinesis.  I couldn't move my body, so I could just use my mind, so if this happened again; I still might be able to fight Kabuto, and not get kicked in the ribs again.  I can never again be that weak.

With new determination I got to work moving objects.  I thought it would be best to start small and with non-breakable objects, so I chose the rubber door stopper on the floor.

"Okay clear you mind, don't let anything bother you." I whispered to myself.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  When I opened them again, they were focused intently on the door stopper.  I just needed to get it to the middle of the room.

I stared at it for a good three minutes until it started to move any.  My mind was straining on it, but it finally started to move.  At first it just hovered a few centimeters, but the more I stayed on it the higher it rose.  It rose a good five feet in the air.  The next thing I did was bringing it to the middle of the room.

I had it over a brown spot in the blue carpet; I decided this spot would be a good middle marker, so I let the stopper drop.  It fell fast and made a load plop sound as it hit.  I cringed a little that was really load.  I hope no one heard that, my door was shut, so maybe they didn't.

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