Terrors Come True

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Mangle's P.O.V:

"ARRG! Stupid me!!" My thoughts raged at myself. My confidence dropped as I slapped myself against the arms. Then I began to bring my hands up and softly touch my lip.

Foxy had kissed me in the kitchen. But my servos were running questions out in my head like a leak in the faucet.  What did that kiss mean? Why did he do that? Butterfly's danced all around my stomach area, just thinking about Foxy's soft lips on mine. He kissed so gently and freely. He seemed to enjoy it to because I glanced up after and his mouth was curved up in a satisfying smile. My heart fluttered to see his smile.

But why? Why did he kiss me?? So gently, and lots of times?? I glanced over in the kitchen and bolted to the aprons. I sighed sadly to look at the apron I embarrassed myself with. That Kiss The Cook Apron..Toy Chica was the only one who even dared to wear that. I should apologize for dusting flour and sugar all over it later.

I was also super curious if Foxy actually had feelings for me.. It seemed like every time I saw him he was in a trance like no other. He was my best friend and always had my back. Believe me, Toy Chica has my back too!! But something about Foxy and how he seems to always wants to cuddle me seems strange.

"Strangely romantic.." My thoughts told me.

I snapped back into reality like a bolt. There is no way that Foxy would like me.. Not after what I said about his kiss.. I sighed to hear the worlds shove my confidence down the drain.

"It's ok!! You were just teasing me!!"

My heart sank to hear my words over and over in my head. Never wanting to escape. I should of just told him how I felt, or asked a question..

Or kissed him some more...

I sighed deeply through my servos and circuits and fixed my bow tie for the next day.
"What is that??" My thoughts asked.

I turned to see a note.. From Foxy?

Hey Mang!
Meet me at the end of west hall! I have a surprise for you!
I was confused.. Usually Foxy would just run to me with his strong pirates legs.. I guess he just didn't feel like approaching me directly like this.. Probably because of what I said.

I quickly dashed to the Bathrooms. Rumors are made that these bathrooms were never renovated since the incident  at Fredbears. You can easily tell too! The walls were blanketed with a green and brown substance and than blocked away with posters of the me and the toys.

I quickly switched the faded lights on and quickly dusted some blush on my white fur and dashed some shades of pink on my eyelids so my face didn't look old and tired from singing the same songs. I cracked a smile to myself and gave myself a thumbs up for more confidence.

Then I began to walk slowly yet with confidence in my strides and steps to visit Foxy. I must act how I would usually, just like normal. Everything must be just like normal. I took shallow breaths as I headed towards the stage area, and soon. West hall. It seemed so long to me. But I was hesitant and kept deciding to take it
One step at a time.

Then I felt an arm tug around me in excitement and not holding back. I turned around to see my best friend Toy Chica smiled happily and suddenly smirked.

"Let me guess, Did Foxy invite you again? Alone!" She teased happily.

My blush shined even more red than the makeup as my heart thumped and jumped up and down like an excited bunny.

"Y-yeah.." I melted into a smile.

"I saw that you borrowed my "special." Apron.. Did he actually?" She smirked,

I nodded shyly to her again. Than she squealed so loudly that even the cars who dared to slither around at 4:30 am would hear the unsettling sound.
She shoved me to move along and see Foxy and I took it slow again..

To West Hall...
Nothing Will go wrong.. Right?

I was slowly entering west hall, when I suddenly began to feel sick and messed up inside. My heart raced fast, not in love, but in scarring fear.. My breath was even more shallow than usual.

"Keep calm..." I took a breath.. As I began to walk again..

"But wait.." Something popped at me.

What?! This can't be.. I felt like I was hallucinating..

"I can't be that nervous.. " I whispered under my breath.

But then again, everything went black.. And three words popped every time I struggled to take a step...

"I'm still here..."

Then I felt a breath or two behind me after the hallucination was over...

"Please be Foxy..." I muttered.. "Please.." I felt myself cry..

I turned around quick.. And in a flash.. I was seeing black again.. I felt gone.. But all I saw.. Was a bunny that looked simaler the SpringBonnie, but looked destroyed..

It's fur was dark purple now.. And it's eyes were red and ready to become savage and slaughter... Me..

He pulled his axe back and began pounding at me.. That's when everything went black..  All I wanted in that moment, was to hopefully stay alive.. If that..

I finally felt it literally. Foxys pain, since that day.
My terrors came true..
I would finally feel the pain of my best friend..

My terror came true..

SpringTrap's P.O.V:

I just could not stop myself..
I just could not help myself..
I was urged by the deviant mans mind inside..

I stood beside Mangle's broken parts.. And cried softly..

"It wasn't me!" I muttered under my breath as tear stains began to reveal under my eyes..

Then my eyes became darkly once again..

Stage One Complete.. Kill Mangle.. Now I must kill everyone.. And shrewd them to bits..

Spooooky chapter!! I wonder who is going to find Mangle?? Who do you think is going to find her? But most of all
Is she gonna make it??
Stay tuned!!! ^^

-Twisty-Twizzles :3

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