Chapter 5 - Adventure with Mr. Midnight

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"Jack. wake up." Mr. Midnight shook the sleeping Irishman. "Sean!" He shook once more as my sight shoots through the distance feeling great as I woke up. I looked over at my cat with a small leer growing.

"Hello, kitty..." I reached out my hand as I let him softly as he purrs in slight.

"Is it another day..?" I whispered which he nodded and removes his paws out of the couch meowing and mentioning to follow him. I understood as I followed Mr. Midnight to where he's going.

A strange door I have never seen before, he meowed at me to tell me to open it. I did what I was told peaking my head as the door cracked open. It was a normal bedroom when I opened it all the way and I see a mirror images of my parents laying in their pool of blood, they were also dismembered as there was a lonely knife sitting in front of me away from the image of my parents.

I stood there staring with an surprised face, my jaw dropped slightly in a short shape as my eyes stood there like stone at my dismembered parents.

"Mother...?" I weep.

"Father..?" I weep once more as I feel onto my knees taking my eyes off of the mirror image of my parents hanging my head down as Mr. Midnight went below to my face, I didn't shoot my eyes at him. I was shattered inside as my eyes started to melt into tears.

"Meow?" Mr. Midnight meowed at me.

"Not now, kitty..." I sniffled.

"Meow!" Mr. Midnight meowed mentioning to follow again. I refused but he tries to headbutt me to get up and follow him without giving up. Jack lose as he slowly got up and followed the cat to a door the leads downstairs into a pitch black shadow. Mr. Midnight led the way as I follow him.

As I got inside vanishing myself into it, in my every own eyes I see another image of a doctor and a nurse talking to each other about...

"I'm sorry nurse, I tried so hard to revive him" The doctor apologized sadly.

"You've tried your best, doctor. I'm much sure, Sèan will now rest upon the angels happily. I'll tell his parents about this."

They were talking about me... that... I died...

I was too confused about what's going on. But Mr. Midnight appeared with a small white plastic can of colored red rose pills that the title saying just 'Pills' Mr. Midnight places his paw above the can mentioning me to eat one. Before I took one, I read something that was under the title,

"Take 3 pills and something is going to happen to you."

Mr. Midnight titled his head which I shook the can to make three onto my hand. I set the can back in front of Mr. Midnight and for a moment of my thought, I closed my eyes are started to dump three pills inside my mouth without my single bite. In immediate, my eyes blinked on its own and send me back to a normal dimension inside the house,

What just happened...

I looked over at the mirror image of a nurse and doctor but they weren't there. I sprinted upstairs to see if my parents are still upstairs dead, I busted in but they weren't there...

I felt much better as my eyes were dried and since I went back to the living room, I saw my body sleeping in silence on my couch I slept on.

Am I... dead...?!

But suddenly, I saw Mr. Midnight inches away from me when there was a sentence colored black looked like a colored pencil saying,

"Jack. If you want to end your dream... send your soul back to your body."

I looked at myself and I was all like shaded white with all my colors on me were shaded light. Am I the soul that I came out of my lifetime body? Even thorough, I gave my try to send myself inside my body making the same position as I slept.

My lifetime body woke up from the dream, I can remember everything I had in my dream, I looked over at the floor that had the sentence in it. But... it vanished. I got off my couch and ran back to the room where my parents were dismembered but they weren't there. I sprint downstairs to see if the nurse and doctor are there, but they were gone also.

It was actually true I was in a dream...

I sighed deeply and walked back upstairs to see Mr. Midnight standing at the brim of the staircase. I smiled beautifully as he smiled gracefully and paced fast towards me and leaped onto my chest making my hands to catch him and pet him softly as my hips rocked in twist side to side as my cat licked my cheek happily and slightly headbutted my forehead.

"Shall we get you something to eat?" I asked him.


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