2. Revealing

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Alayah POV: 

"Where is Tristan? Take me to him now!" I said through gritted teeth, I could feel the control slipping away from myself after Elijah's explanation of recent events that have took place during my absence. 

"It is not wise for you to go in there so soon. Like I said this prophecy endangers us all!"Elijah forewarned as he stood up in attempt to calm me down. 

"I can handle Tristan De Martel. The question is whether he can handle me." I retorted to Elijah. 

"You have just been in a coffin for 91 years. You cant go in there in a dress of that age and your hair like that. Along with your absence it wont take him long to connect the dots and know that your slightly out of sorts. He will take advantage of that and you." Elijah told me. 

"Elijah I dont care how long I have been in a coffin for all I know is that now I am out, finding out I have a new sister, a niece. Some phropechy that states that we will all fall within the year, my sister is lost in the bottom of the ocean while Klaus is out chasing after Aurora playing her petty little games. One brother is trapped in a necklace while the other is dead!" I stopped as the realisation hit me. Tears began to fall as I repeated the words, "he's dead. My brother is dead. Kol is dead!" I fell to me knees and the tears fell as Elijah wrapped his arms around me. 

"We will bring him back, I promise but first we will need to handle this!"  Elijah said softly. "Can you pull yourself together? Can you control it?" He questioned, looking into my eyes to show me how serious he was. 

"What do I have to do?" I asked, showing him and my new sister I was ready. 


I had  been warned and threatened of the consequences of me losing control. I had promised them that I wouldn't do it! Not when my sister is lost at sea, with them the only ones knowing where she was and the narrow chance of bringing Kol back being at risk. Not even me would let that happen! 

"Alayah." Elijah came to me as I was preparing to go into see Tristan. 

"Elijah." I quipped. 

"Look I get that your going through a rough time. You have been in that box for a long time, and a lot has changed. But we need to know the importance of this. Your brother and your sister are at risk and you could be the only chance to get them back. We all know Tristan loved you way back when and his dedication to Aurora is similar to the one he has for you. You can't break in there." Elijah warned me. 

"Elijah if there is one thing, one person that will make sure I keep control it is Kol! You said it yourself I have been in that box for too long and that is because you hid me from him. Kol wouldn't have allowed it and we all know that." I said trying to keep calm. "A lot has changed since I went into that box, including everyone's dress sense!" I sneered as I looked at the new clothes of this century that were on my body. "Yes I will admit sometimes I lose control but I promise you this isn't one of those times."  I said as I walked past my brother and began to walk into the room. 

Elijah caught my arm. "Do not kill him!" 

"Elijah Tristan ruined my life almost a thousand years ago when he took away the one I loved, right now he is holding the only chance I have of getting Kol back under the ocean. I am not going to kill him." I reassured my brother. He released my arm. "But I am going to hurt him, very, very badly!" I smirked. 

"I wouldn't be too sure!" Freya threatened Tristan but I didn't hear the part before that. 

I walked right into the room and through the barrier that Freya had created. 

Tristan looked at me in awe. "Alayah." He said as though he didn't believe it was me. Tristan looked to Freya who was stood watching us. "I knew you were a powerful witch but I didn't know you could make me hallucinate."

"Tristan it's me." I said, gaining his attention again. 

He looked at me again, as though he didn't believe me. "No! Alayah was ruthless. They daggered her years ago and Klaus hid her, not even me and the strix could find her!" 

"Yeah well, turns out when a prophecy is going to kill us all they bring out the big guns!" I smirked. "Now Tristan where is my sister?" I asked as I leaned into him, placing my hands on each one of the arms of the blood stained chair. 

"I can't tell you that..." He said sadly. 

"Of course you can Tristan. It is me, Alayah. You loved me once, remember?" My voice was now soft, as though I actually cared, as though I wanted to be near him when in reality all I wanted to do was rip his throat out. 

"Once?" He laughed. "I still do." He admitted. 

"Then you will tell me where my sister is. Then I can get you out of here and we will be together.." I said, now inches away from his blood covered face. 

"I can't. I promised Aurora." He sighed. 

"That's-" I was cut off  when I heard Elijah behind me. 

"I am sorry sister." He whispered as the familiar silver dagger penetrated my heart. I dropped to the floor and everything turned to darkness. 

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