4. Christmas

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Alayah POV:

I dont know why I agreed, agreed to stay in New Orleans never mind agreeing to stay apart of this retched family. The other night I told my brother how I never understood why I forgave him, time after time he daggered me, but time after time I forgave. But if that night taught me anything it was that I could say how I was leaving but I could never truly do it.

For the first time in a long time I felt safe. Yes there was a prophecy threatening my life however it didn't scare me, right now nothing did. Except for one thing; the dagger yet that was in my possession.

I was sat in my room, thinking and thinking. It was Christmas and I missed Kol now more than ever. Elijah was off getting Rebekah back and god only knows what Freya was doing.

There was a knock on my door, which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I shouted.

"Alayah, I am glad you are here. I was slightly concerned you may of fled throughout the night." Klaus joked.

"You gave me the dagger and you earnt my trust." I shut him down. "Plus I don't really fancy spending Christmas alone." I sighed.

"Well that's all well and good because I have someone I would like you to meet." Klaus smirked as he lead the way out of the room.

"So do they like pay you or something?" The blonde woman asked the Asian girl who was bleeding into two cups, one of me and one for my brother.

"Handsomely." Klaus answered as we entered the room, taking the cups of the lady.

"And with a Christmas bonus." I smiled as I sat down opposite the blonde woman and Klaus handed me the blood.

"Isn't that right?" Klaus asked the woman. Who simply smiled and nodded before walking away.

"So just compel her to nod and agree with everything you say?" The blonde woman asked my brother.

"I compel her to feed me and hang the occasional Christmas ornament, she can say whatever the hell she wants." Klaus laughed and the woman joined him in the laughter. "You seem better." He stated toward the woman of which I still did not know the name of.

"Yes. Thank you for letting me stay here the past couple of days."

"Wait, you've been staying here the past couple of days?" I questioned, I hadn't seen her. Although I have only been undaggered for two days.

Klaus realised his mistake and quickly put it right. "Are yes I am sorry. How rude of me. Camille this is my youngest sister, Alayah. Alayah this is Camille, my friend."

"Camille, the one that Lucien held captive." I remembered the information I had been fed by Elijah regarding my brothers whereabouts on the day I was freed. "Let me apologise  for his behaviour, he is more aggressive than I remember."

"You see my sister used to have quite the thing with Lucien during our first years of vampirism." Klaus mocked me with a knowing smile.

"Lucien may have started the problem but Aurora was the one who increased it." Camille told us both.

"Well I assure you my feelings for Lucien Castle no longer exist's. However my hatred for Aurora grows deeper and deadlier every day." I told them both. "Now if you dont mind to excuse me I have some last minute Christmas shopping to do."

"I dont think that is a good idea, considering you are supposed to be locked in a necklace identical to Finns." Klaus reminded me.

"Your right." I agreed as I sat back down. "Plus this conversation is much more interesting."

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