15. Behind the Black Horizon

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Alayah POV: 

I had been upset before, I had been heartbroken before but this was something else. It me harder than I thought anything could. I knew it was true but I still didn't believe it. 

It had been agreed that I was to go with Finn and Elijah to retrieve our sister while Kol stayed to help Davina with the spell. We stopped at a railway line in the one place that my brothers seemed to despise, a place I had recently been too. 

"Ah, of course. Mystic Falls. Birth place of all our sorrows." Finn sighed, showing his hatred for the town through his words. "So are we to drive around all of this lucid town hoping to run into our sister before Lucien murders her?" Finn asked. 

"Kol has a plan." I entered. 

"Kol and his ridiculous gambits." Finn sniggered. 

"900 years in a box and zero patience." Elijah cut in, causing Finn to turn to him. 

"This is all a joke to you isn't it. 900 years in a box just rolls of your tongue as though the time passed without consequence. It surely did not." Finn corrected him. 

"Then what do you suggest? That we didn't experience anything? At least of all a passage of time!" Elijah reminded Finn he was not the only one who was daggered. 

"Being daggered for decades and being daggered for centuries are very different things!" Finn snapped, causing Elijah to back off slightly. "It started off with a small pinprick of light, growing year after year. Then a small consciousness.. Being paralysed and in tombed in your own mind. The despair.. Utter loneliness.. all intensified and made endless."   Finn sighed, I looked at him as though he was going through the pain all over again. 


We got out of the car. "How will we know when or if this magic trick of Kol has worked?" Finn asked. 

"He said you will know." I informed him. 

We started walking across the town while my brothers began to talk about our past. I wanted no part in remembering those days. Rebekah, Elijah and Finn were rather well behaved. Me, Kol and Klaus on the other hand practically invented the word massacre. 

All of a sudden their conversation had turned into an argument. Finn bellowing the repeated words of Elijah, grabbing his arm and spinning him around. I stopped and watched a few steps back, wanting no part in what was about to happen. I came here to save my sister not play referee between my brothers. After some exchanging of words Finn walked off, Elijah following and then me following. 

"I hate it here. This place bares all our pain and sorrow. I refuse to to let this be the place where my sister dies." Finn said as he walked down the stairs at the back of the grill. "Let us not wait for Kol and his witches tricks. Let's just tear this town apart and find her!" Finn said and if I was honest I was all for it. 

"Yeah, that's not going to happen!" A familiar voice came from above us, a gun in hand. "See I just ran every vampire out of this town so visiting hours are well... never!" Matt boasted as he raised is hands and gun. 

"Well, well, well if it isn't Matty Blue Eyes." I smiled as I stepped out from behind my brothers. 

"You know this cretin?" Finn asked me as Matt seemed shocked I was here. 

I smirked. "Yeah we were antiquated when I came back to see Damon after I was undaggered, he threatened me with that very gun actually!" I laughed. 

"Did he now?" Elijah questioned as he turned around and looked over to Matt. 

Matt stepped back slightly. "You forget to mention the fact that you knocked me out and left me in the middle of the street!" Matt told my brothers who then both looked at me. 

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