14. Alone with everybody Part 2

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Alayah POV:

I was back with Freya and Lucien when I had heard it. The window breaking and the sound of Finns body crashing into the table in the open area of the compound. I used my speed to get to the scene before anyone else. Finn crawled back, still on the floor while Kol and Davina entered the room. Kol grabbing a candle and walking over to Finn. 

"Kol stop!" Freya shouted as her and Lucien entered the room. Kol did stop, for about three seconds before going back toward Finn. Out of nowhere Elijah rushed into the room pushing Kol back. 

"Enough." Elijah growled.

"This isn't your fight!" Kol shouted back to Elijah who was still holding him back. 

Elijah looked at him sternly. "I told you to stop!" He shouted. 

Kol stepped back. "Fine." He agreed before throwing the candle. "I would rather take my chances out there with white oak than stay here with you lot!" Kol seethed as he began to walk for the door, Davina following behind him. 

"Kol!" I shouted as I used my speed to rush in front of him. "You can't go out there. I have just got you back and I am not losing you again!" I said as he began to walk past me but I threw myself in front of him. 

"I am not staying here Alayah!" Kol said as he began to walk off with Davina. 

"Fine then go!" I nodded, knowing that he really didn't want to be here and with Davina he would safe. "But if anything happens you call me!" I said sternly. 

Kol nodded before giving me a small hug and then leaving with his girl. 

"Elijah." Freya pleaded for him to stop Kol, now knowing that I would not. 

"He will be fine." Elijah said, "Marcel has paid us a visit." He continued as held his hand up with white oak laced between his fingers. "The last remaining white oak. Sister would you do the honours?" Elijah asked and Freya nodded, waving her hand causing the fire behind Finn to blaze. 

Elijah threw the white oak inside of it." No!" Finn roared as he threw his hand in the fire after the white oak but he could not get it. "Please brother. The witch condemned me to this. I am trapped. I cant care to spend an eternity as this monster with no hope of escape." Finn begged, tears brimming in his eyes. 

I sighed waving my hand across the fire causing a small fraction of it to burn out, Finn wasted no time in grabbing the white oak while our siblings looked at me for a explanation. "I would rather him die than be in my life for eternity." I explained. 

"Give it to me." Elijah stepped closer to Finn who was clutching it in his hands. "Give it to me!" He repeated but before Finn could Lucien used his speed zooming past Finn and grabbing the white oak. 

"Lucien!" I said as I stepped forward. 

Lucien looked at me for a second before throwing the white oak to Elijah. "Well come on then. After all this time. Destroy it!" Lucien shouted to my brother. 

"Elijah forever is a burden that no one should have to bare." Finn tried to make him understand. 

Lucien was quick to counteract. "You can not keep this white oak in the house Elijah. It is a beacon drawing your enemies to you. I am not prepared to Alayah's life be in danger! Perhaps the solution is obvious. Entrust it to the one who loves each of you most." Lucien suggested, pointing to Freya. 

Freya stepped forward. "I can cloak myself. If it has to exist at least I can take it far away, hide it under a thousand spells where no one will ever find it."  


After Elijah had agreed and let Freya take the bullet I was in the study with Lucien. "I forgot what this was like." Lucien turned to me. 

I tilted my head a little. "What, what was like?" I smirked. 

He moved closer to me, putting one of his arms on the back of the chair around me. "Being with you, in your life nothing ever is simple." He answered. 

"That's cause I am train-wreck." I laughed. 

"Well your the most beautiful train-wreck I have ever seen." He said in his amazing accent. Lucien then moved closer to me. "You know that I love you right cause I do. I love you Alayah Mikaelson." 

"I love you too." I smiled as he kissed me. 

The kiss didn't last long before we was interrupted by the coughing of one of my many brothers coming from the doorway. I looked up to see Finn stood there awkwardly. "Can I talk to you? Alone." Finn awkwardly requested. 

Lucien stood up from his place next to me. "I should be getting home anyway." He smiled to me as he put his jacket on, then leaning over and placing a kiss on my forehead and then leaving. 

Finn came and sat next to me. "What do you want Finn?" I ask coldly. 

Finn shifted slightly. "I want to thank you. For before. I thought any chance I had of being free was gone and despite what I had said to you earlier you gave it me back." Finn began. "I was wrong Alayah your not a monster. There have been times where you didn't have control but in the end you always stopped before things got too far. Although I will never agree with the great fire of London." 

"I will admit that was not my best move." I granted him. 

"That is not the point I am not here to condemn your mistakes I am here to atone for mine. When you was using your magic on me before it showed me how strong you are and how far you have come but your words they stayed with me. You were right I should have protected you more, been there for you. I was supposed to be your big brother and I was awful and I am truly sorry. I really want to make it up to you Alayah but you need to know I will never be okay with being this beast but that doesn't mean you don't have to be okay with who you are because your pretty awesome." He smirked as he nudged my knee. Finn didn't say anything else he just walked over to the door. 

"Finn." I called but not turning to look at him. 


"Your not that bad of a brother." I smirked turning to see the light grin on his face before he left the room. 

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