10. An old friend Calls

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Alayah POV:

I couldn't bare to be in that compound with Kol. All this time I have loved and missed this big doting brother of mine and the whole time it has been a lie. As much as I would love to leave this god awful wretched city I can't. The threat to my family is still at large and still very much real and I would never forgive myself if something happened while I was there doing something. I had to go somewhere for a while and there was only person that I knew would take me in. Lucien. 

I knocked on the door of his penthouse. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still pissed at me for before but I know he wouldn't turn down me staying in his pent house. Sure enough Lucien came to the door, boasting my name in that thick accent of his. 

"Lucien." I nodded. "Look I know we had a bit of a spat earlier but my brother is back from the dead and I need a place to stay." Lucien furrowed his eyebrows for a second before extending the door to me. 

After a few minutes silence he came over to me. "Forgive me if I am wrong from these last 900 years but aren't you and Kol ridiculously close?" He queried. 

"We were. That was until he came back from the dead this morning. Instead of being happy to see me undaggered he asked Nicklaus why. I knew that my siblings were scared of something about me but what it actually is, is pretty stupid." I answered. 

"What is it?" He asked, putting his hand over mine, he could see how upset I was. 

"So it turns out that I am a heretic. I am basically a hybrid like my brother. Only he is half werewolf. I am half witch." I admitted. 

Lucien looked shocked and then entered a state of confusion. "Wait I thought if your turned as a witch that you dont keep your powers?" 

"You dont. I wasn't a normal witch. I was a siphoner." I informed. 

For the next couple of hours we talked, I told him about what Kol had said and done and I also told him about Damon and Stefan. Lucien told me about how after I left he and Aurora travelled with Tristan. They spent years believing that they were my brothers and Rebekah. The one thing he mentioned was how he thought it was odd that Elijah never compelled anyone to believe that they was me and Kol. Although he did have a point. 

I was looking at him as he spoke and he was me, we was locked in eye contact and before I knew it Lucien's lips slammed into mine. I kissed him back and he used his speed to push me against the wall of his penthouse, before picking me up. Holding me up with his hands on my bum, my legs wrapped around his waist. Lucien then used his speed to take us to his room, slamming the door behind him. 


I woke up in Lucien's arms. I couldn't help but think back to the time when I fell in love with him, where I would have to pretend to love Tristan just so that Lucien could live. How at that time I would do anything to be able to do the simple things that I find myself reluctant to do today. I found it hard to believe that it was so long ago and I spent all the time since then, up until this morning. Believing that I was something that I wasn't. I was not allowed to enjoy the bliss for another second before the door to the bedroom flew open. My brother on the other end of it. 

"Lucien." Klaus growled through gritted teeth, as he tilted his head slightly with anger.

Lucien woke up and literally jumped out of the bed at the sight of my brother, before realising that he did not have any clothes on and jumped back into the bed. "Living room. Now! And clothing is not optional!" Klaus groaned, shutting the door behind him. 

Lucien began to scramble at his clothes while I got dressed calmly. "Oh my god Alayah how are you so calm?" 

"What?" I laughed, he was panicked. 

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