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I summoned Aquarius in a cup of water and she yelled at me, about how filthy the cup might be.
It was hard for me to calm her down, but when I finally managed to make her calm down, and ask her to give Makarov a message, she quickly left, I don't know if she left so fast because she wanted to get away from me or if she has gotten kinder.
After Aquarius left, I summoned Leo, to give a letter to the land lady.

Leo went back to the celestial world after completing the task I asked him to do. I summoned Virgo to temporarily bring my packed luggage to the celestial world.


I asked Mira where Makarov is, she gave me simple directions to his office. Before I went up the stairs, Mira asked me worriedly, "Is Lucy alright?"

"Don't worry, she is fine" I turned around and went up the stairs.
I lightly tapped on the door, "Come in" Makarov said from the other side of the door. I opened the door, and closed the the door behind me as I approached Makarov's desk.

"Do you need something?" Makarov looked up from his paperwork.

"Yes, Lucy wanted me to give you something" mentioning Lucy already made his strict face relax. I handed him the letter, he nervously took the letter with caution, as if he knew what the letter would hold.

"It's painful enough that she was treated that way, it may be painful for some of us that she will be leaving us, but it's for the best as it seems so. Please take care of her, Aquarius" Makarov placed the letter on top of all his paperwork, Lucy was his top priority now.

"I will take my leave now" I turned around, ready to leave, "take care of yourself as well" I waved a goodbye, and left.


Lucy wandered around the bookstore, looking for a book to read, for the long journey on the train. She stopped by the magazine racks, and picked up a magazine that caught her attention, about people being attacked once they stepped into the Southern woods, where she was planning to train. She immediately bought it at the cash register and ran home.

Lucy walked into her home, to find Aquarius sitting in the living room, watching a television show about the best wizards in the world.

"Aquarius, look what I found" Lucy took her shoes off, and walked to Aquarius, she handed the magazine to her. Aquarius quickly skimmed the passage about the people being attacked.

"And the one responsible for this, Rose Akuma" Aquarius gasped, catching Lucy's attention.

"Is this Rose person someone you know" Lucy questioned Aquarius.

"Listen, Rose was good friends with your mother when you were younger. But when you were five, you got involved in a terrible accident that caused you to lose some of your memories, one of them is about Rose. You forgot who she was, and she couldn't accept the fact that she couldn't do much to protect you, so she left" Aquarius held both of my hands close to her heart, showing how much pain she felt when Rose left.

"Take this book," Aquarius released my hands, and she magically made a strange book appear at the palm of her hands, "Inside are two spells that will help you find Rose, knowing that she has such a high defense in the forest, the first spell will protect you from harm, caused by the knives.  The second spell will grant me the ability to transform into a human, I will become much more useful in battle, and the best part, I won't be draining any of your magic powers" I took the book from Aquarius, and thanked her.

"Let's leave tomorrow morning," Aquarius nodded, and disappeared back to the celestial world.


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