Internal Worries

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I eventually woke up from my nap. I keep tossing and turning in bed wondering had gotten him all riled up. I glance at my phone under my pillow. Five unread messages.

I decide to read them later. If it's him then he can wait.

I sit on my couch with some of my favorite orange spice tea and sweet bread. I finally read his messages.

Hey babe I'm really sorry I snapped at you I'm just really sorry. I feel like a dick :( You don't have to answer if you don't want to but I love you baby girl.

I smiled at this and decided to text him back, since he felt so sorry. were a dick.

I got my reply about five minutes later. I know I'm sorry baby :( My parents are just...ugh.

Ohh sorry :(

Don't be ! It's not your fault !


We talked for the rest of the night about random things. He called me at 1 a.m. I was just lying in bed while we talked. I could tell he was as tired as I was. I swear, the sexiest things about guys, when they smell great, their sleepy voice and when they hug you from the back and put their head by your neck. Ugh I'm fangirling again. Dammit hormones.

I was listening to him talking and before I knew it I had drifted into my dreams.


I was in a beautiful garden, with purple tulips everywhere. I stood there in awe. The air was so magical, it seemed to be shimmering. I wish I could keep some in a jar and take it back home with me.

I looked around and noticed there was noone there so I sat and played with the bulbs of the flowers.

I was completely content. I picked one of the beautiful specimens and held it loosely in my hands.

Seconds later someone was holding me tightly from behind. I knew it was a guy because of the strength in his embrace. He held me close and didn't let me turn around. I slid my flower into his grasp and then everything stopped.

Next thing you know this unknown man was dragging me through a forest. Our hands tangled together in a rushed way as he guided me threw fallen trees and rocks.

I did not know why we were running, in such a dire way as if we were trying to escape someone, or maybe something.

I did not know why but I felt worrisome, scared and in desperate need to get away from whatever might have been chasing us.

Just then, we came to a cliff. Only then did I see his face. It was unexpected lover. He tripped and was about to go over the edge, he let go of my hand, with all his might he pushed me away, saving me from the fall. I landed on my backside, and watched him taking this steep fall. I tried to call after him but I had no voice. He was gone. He had disappeared into what had looked like endless fog.

I looked behind me toward the forest. That place held no comfort. I got up on my feet.

What had we been running from ? Was it just fear ? Something we had imagined ? Made up internal worries ? I had been sure I felt a presence but I don't know what it was.

There was nothing here. I stood in this small clearing staring at the woods. The trees swaying slowly to the breezes' slow songs. I was crying furiously but with no sound.

Being irritated and hurt with all this silence, I screamed.


That's when I woke up. My throat raw from the scream. My bed damp from the cold sweat.

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