Broken Pieces

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  "What are you saying ? Is this really gonna happen ?!" Why should we continue right ? We're both only getting hurt anyway. What's the point ? He deserves better.

"I believe so. I said I'm sorry...just please, find someone better than me." Still crying I am. Happy I am not. Oh gosh I'm even thinking in Yoda form now.

"There is noone better than you ! Don't you see that ?! I want you ! You think I'd put up with this distance crap for anyone else ? Its been you since the day we met in that beach !"

I sigh. Like a ridiculously big sigh. I almost coughed from the amount of air I inhaled and exhaled. What do I say to this ? I still love him. Its been the same for me also. He was the only person I ever wanted, to me he was flawed but I didn't care. His flaws is what made him perfect to me, not his strengths but his weaknesses.

"I'm sorry." Is all I said. I couldn't reply with anything more. Is this what it felt like ? A broken heart ? Being broken up into so many pieces that you can't put them back together ? 

"Baby, stop apologizing. I'm mad at you about the Andre thing but its gonna be okay. I didn't, or will I ever, stop loving you."

I don't deserve him. I know we'll just keep hurting eachother. Its like something you have in a dream. We belong to one another but can never really be with eachother. Destined to be apart ? I don't know anymore.

"I love you, always and forever." I still feel like crap but he still made me lighten up a bit.

"For infinity and beyond ? (:"

"For infinity and beyond (:"

A day or two later, at Kayla's house..

"Hey Ari ! Hurry up with the food already, I'm hungry !" Kayla yells at me from the living room.

"You know what you lazy ass ?! Get it yourself !" I tease from my position in the kitchen. I'm making breakfast since Kayla doesn't cook much and I like my food a certain way.

She comes around the corner and pokes my side. I slap her with the spatula. "Go away, I'm cooking here human." I go back to frying the bacon slices since this is the one in a million time I'll even attempt to eat bacon. Don't judge me, it usually makes me sick, I don't just hate it for no reason.

"Well you cook slow !" She hovers over the pancakes and eggs I already made.

"At least I can cook !" I sick my tongue out at her and push her in the direction if the living room.

Soon enough, we're eating yummy chocolate chip pancakes. Boy am I glad my mom is a good cook,  I'd be terrible at cooking if she didn't train me from young.

We play games in her room all day. Ooo I got a text !

"Hey babygirl, what ya doin ?" Ohhh is Derek ! He must've just finished practice.

"Playin games with Kayla. How was practice ?"

"Damn it Kayla ! Stop making me die !" I punch her arm and look at my phone.

Another text ! "It was tiring. But hey, I'm talking to my wifie now ! My day just got way better !"

Awww hes so cute. "D'aww (; You're too adorable love (;"

Aaaand being killed because of Kayla again. Damn this multi-tasking.

I decide to finish this level then reply because I'm getting over this dying shit.

Three hours later...

Oh. Well maybe that was more than one level...maybe like a whole world but um yeah.

Four messages and two messages from Facebook. Hmm, wonder who messaged me on Facebook ?

Derek was the four text messages. Things like : "Babe !" "Hello ? Earth to Ariella ?!"

I reply simply with "Sorry baby, I was gaming with Kayla. I got carried away :("

Now Facebook.

Oh holy shit fuck.

"Hey ! I miss you :( You don't talk to me at all now :(((((("

Fucking Andre. Still trying. I admire his persistence but god. How do I approach this...

"Um...hey. I thought you knew its over ?" Maybe that was a bit cruel.

"Oh. But...I miss you."

Here we go. "I never meant anything I said to you. I'm sorry we just can't talk anymore okay ?" I feel like crap again. Kayla can't see this either.

"Okay...fine I guess." Good he let it go.

Seems like everything is kind of normal now. I just wish I could feel okay.

Sup peeps c: Its been forever again...sorry ! I'll be updating waaay more over Christmas break I promise ! This story is actually coming to a close soon and I'm not sure of I'll write anymore stories after. But thanks for reading this far !!! (:

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