There's A First For Everything

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Today seemed normal enough for a Saturday. In fact, today was splendiferous ! I had been on my phone mostly all day, being the unsocialable person (my mother would say "hermit.") that I am. Scrolling through Facebook, checking Instagram and cuddling with Mr.Teddy, hehe I'm 16 years old and still cuddle with my teddy ! I am not ashamed !

I had been messaging my friend Kayla, and we were having a blast sending random pictures to eachother and saying things like "Oh dear unicorn doctor, PLEASE DON'T GO ! I SHALL GIVE YOU A BLOOD ORANGE SACRIFICE !" ...yeah we were a weird duo but I loved her to death. She was the few people on this earth that's as weird as I am.

We continued with that exact same dialouge the whole day. Occaisonally making fun of ominous things going around us. Such as the chickens right outside her room and how they never shut up or the maintanence people who are painting my neighbors house and how the horrid scent made me think they were using the smell to mask the stench of the dead bodies they were hiding (or its just crappy chemicals...I choose to believe the former).

"ARI MY DEAR SWEET HOMOSAPIEN ! HOW IS YOUR DEAR MOLECULES ?!" in which I'd respond "I AM QUITE PEACHY OH GREAT UNICORN DOCTOR WITH THE HORN OF AWESOMENESS ! TO PROVE MY GRATITUDE I SHALL GIVE YOU MY FIRST BORN CHIIIIILD AS A REWARD FOR YOU CARING SO MUCH !!!" Yes, we talked to eachother in all caps most of the time. Or we'd take a siesta, haha well the nap wouldn't be that long actually.

The way Derek reacted when I had added him to our message party was...fabulous ? We were currently fighting about who was more cute, Hikaru from Ouran Academy, Yuki from Fruits Basket or Gaius from Fire Emblem.

He was completely confuzzled, being as I'm a nerd and he had just got invited to see me at my weirdest state possible. Oh bless his heart for putting up with it ! Me and Kayla kept talking, sometimes asking Derek questions or for his opinion, so he doesn't feel too much like a third wheel.

"Sooo..." I said to them. "How bout them lakers huh ?" They had hurt me with harsh comments and writing in caps. Guess I shouldn't bring that up !

Later on, more like 6 p.m. Kayla had added this guy to our conversation. She introduced us, he was a year younger, his name was Andre and it seemed like he was a resident of nerd-ville also, we got along quite nicely. I eventually had the group chat and also the private chats with each of them.

I'm not sure how it got that way, I think it started from Derek saying he felt left out. Then Kayla and Andre both messaged me and stated that Derek didn't really talk much.

Then I had assumed my argument with Kayla that Yuki had a adorable personality and Hikaru was just amazing, Gaius is fabulous but Hikaru and Yuki were better in my perspective.

Me and Andre talked about how long distance relationships were hard...

Me and Derek just engaged in small talk and when I felt bored and creative enough, we'd roleplay. Normal stuff, as usual.

I admit that I'm a very flirty person and it doesn't always work out for me. I assume I said something kinda flirty to Andre (which Kayla just informed me was her boyfriend, her first ever, and he also lived far away) and he had taken the opportunity to say something flirty back.

"Hey sweetheart ? You there ?" Did he what ?

"Err...yeah ?" Who the hell calls people "sweetheart" ? Why is HE calling ME that ?!

"Wyd ?" He seemed unaffected by my awkwardness.

"Reading a manga..." I swear I just said I was reading the Romeo & Juliet manga in the group chat...

"Cool !" Now he's my friend ? Do you call your friends "sweetheart ?"

"You're damn right it is ;D" I seriously regret putting that smiley face...bad choice Ariella. Bad. Choice.

"I like you, you're kinda like me ! You're charming, great with sarcasm, and don't forget really pretty !" He had about 10 smiley faces I swear.

He surprised me when he continued. "Do you and Derek get on well ? How did you two meet ? Do you guys have a lot in common ?" Well isn't he curious ?

"Yes, we get along quite fine, we met while he was on vacation, and we some stuff in common, not a lot though...I'm starting to realize that we are really different actually." I typed the last part without even noticing, I trust people too easily, I need to learn to keep what I'm thinking in my head.

" don't sound to happy..." I suppose I was naive not to see the hidden subtext there. "Do you guys fight a lot ?"

I waited a total of 6.25 seconds to reply with a simple (but effective.. sorry lame joke for all you carrots) "Yes. But we make up fairly easily. Plus I hate to see him depressed so I have to be there for him."

"It sounds like he's making you feel guilty so you stay with him..."

That was a odd observation. "Nooo...its not like that..." I don't think it was...gosh darn it I'm confused !

I guess I should've seen it coming. From the questions he was asking or the way he replied really fast.

"You and I have more in common, and I'm not going to intimidate you into being my girlfriend."

"I guess ?" Am I cheating by thinking this way or talking this way ? With another guy ? My besties' newfound "lover ?" I've never cheated on someone, its the worst feeling to be cheated on...I wouldn't want anyone to ever experience that. Would this count as my first time being unfaithful to my partner ?

Sooo this was a bit longer than the latest ones...stay tuned it got worst after this...

Hope you enjoy the next chapter. I'm trying to make it sound more...more vivid !

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