The End

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Ari's POV :

I feel my phone vibrating, I hide it under my pillow and it stops.

Five minutes later it starts vibrating again. I check my clock, ugh 4:00 a.m, really ? Without looking at who's calling I pick up.

"Hello ?" My voice portraying just how tired I really am.

"Ari ?!" I instantly wake up.

"Hi Derek..."

"Why would you break up with me ? What did I do ? Tell me, I'll fix it I promise, I'm sorry." He sounded panicked. My heart dropped.

"You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault, I just don't think we'll make it. We're so far apart, and you should be able to have a girlfriend that you can actually hold, kiss, hang out with ? You deserve better." I say in a rushed way, trying to get everything out.

"But Ari-"

"Let me finish Derek. I'm sorry but yesterday I kissed Aaron. I didn't mean to, it was completely unexpected. I hope you don't hate me but I liked it, I have feelings for him and I think that we could wait till later in life to meet up again. I'm sorry that I hurt you so many times and that I continue to but it's over..." I finish, crying all the while.

"Do you still love me ?" His voice cracked a little.

"I'll always love you, it's just a little different now." I say softly.

"Are you going to go with him ?" He says, I can picture him pacing his room, trying to not freak out.

"I don't know yet but I'll make a decision after I think about everything." I wipe my face with my blanket.

"Okay. So it's over ?" I can hear the strain in his voice. God, I'm an asshole.

"Yeah...I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Okay, I'll leave your alone then. Good luck with your lover boy or whoever, goodnight and goodbye Ariella." His voice was cold when he said my name. He hung up before I could say anything else.

So it's over, the last four months of my life, gone. Do I have any regrets ? Only one, that I didn't get to tell him goodbye properly. I regret breaking his heart. I regret having feelings for my best friend because I made things more complicated.

Speaking of best friend, I need to talk to him today. Or maybe tomorrow, today I can think things through. I just hope I don't go insane from all this drama, which is inevitably caused by me ! Yeah, saying stuff like that to myself will make me feel better. Good job Ari.

Derek's POV :

"Okay so it's over ?" I say to her, trying my hardest not to beg her to stay.

"Yeah...I'm sorry." She said rather quietly.

"Okay, I'll leave your alone then. Good luck with your lover boy or whoever, goodnight and goodbye Ariella." I say completely over everything.

I hang up abruptly, not wanting to talk anymore. I don't want to believe it's real, I wish this was just some nightmare and that I'd wake up anytime now.

I don't know why I called her so late, well it's late over there, here it's already 9:00 a.m. I stop vigorously pacing around my room and fall onto my bed.

"Why does love always need to be so difficult ?" I say to air.

She even kissed someone else. How could she do that to me ? Again ? Does she even know how much she means to me ? How I would do anything just to make her smile ?

I wonder if she'll pick him. For my own selfish reasons, I hope she doesn't. But I know better. Another reason I loved about her, she always followed her heart, without question. Unless she was being stubborn, but that wouldn't last long.

I smiled to myself, remembering how much fun we had that day at the mall. I got up and walked to my drawer. I shuffled around my clothes and pulled out a purple beanie. I looked at it and ran my thumbs against the fabric.

I couldn't help it, but I felt angry. I had no control, I slammed the drawer closed and threw the beanie across the room.

How could she ?! She said she loved me ! She said she'd never leave ! My vision was suddenly tinged red. I clenched my fist open and close trying to calm down.

Before I knew it, I punched a hole into the wall in front of me. I looked at my crimson knuckles. That's when I lost it, when it finally set in. She's gone, and she isn't coming back.

I dropped to the floor with my hands in my lap. I cried. I let all my feelings out ; anger, hurt, sadness, everything.

I stayed like that for, I don't how long. I dragged myself off of the floor into my bed and laid there. I felt empty, I didn't know she was such a big part of me and that her leaving made me feel so broken. It's all over now, nothing I can do but accept it.

Sad chapter :( Sorry it's so short, my brain is just dead lately. This isn't the last chapter but I feel the end may be near...*suspenseful music plays in the background*

Aaaaanyway I'll update again soon since I have wifi in school now (:

Okie dokie lovelies, talk to you next update (;

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