New Beginnings

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I haven't talked to anyone in a week. I was supposed to talk to Aaron the same day I talked with Derek but I couldn't bring myself to speak to him then.

Derek hasn't called me since that day. Aaron and Kayla have been calling nonstop.

My mom finally took the hint that I won't talk so she just brings me food periodically.

I need to stop being such a baby, I need to face the world and all my problems. I need to just stop hiding and being a hermit.

I grab my phone and dial Kayla's number first.


"Kayla calm down, and try to articulate your words please." I say, trying to get used to human interaction again.

"Oh, sorry. Where have you been ? Aaron told me what happened with you two and now he said you're ignoring him and what's up with your and Derek beca-" I cut her off so I can explain before she gets caught up in her assumptions.

"Yeah, I've been kind of being a turtle and hiding in my shell because I broke up with Derek. I just didn't want to have feelings for two people so I left him. Me and Aaron did kiss and I felt an unbelievable connection that I can't disregard. I've been avoiding him because I'm not sure what to say yet." I say slowly. It actually helps to say it out loud, get my thoughts together and all.

"Okaaay, well you should call Aaron soon. He's really worried." She concludes.

We talk about random things for an hour or so and then we both hang up.

I decide to take a shower and get dressed in more appealing clothing (and by "appealing" I mean clothes that aren't old and from deep within my closet).

I have a short talk with my mother and after I assure her in still same and don't need psychiatric help, I hop in the car and head to Aaron's house.

The drive is a long one and damn, it's bright. It's already three in the afternoon but it's still ridiculously sunny.

I knock on the door and his mother answers.

"Oh hey Ari ! I haven't seen your face around here for quite a while !" She smiles sweetly at me and motions me to come in.

"Yeah, I've been crazy busy lately." I shrug and try to mirror her kind smile.

"I understand that sweetheart. Well Aaron is up in his room, doing God knows what." She waves her hand in the direction of the staircase and I nod and start walking.

I knock softly on his door and he says come in.

"Hey..." I say as I open the for carefully.

His eyes brighten a bit but I can tell he's trying to hide it. "Hey."

I sit on a beanie chair. "What's up ?" I try to find some normalcy in all this awkwardness.

"I don't know Ari, why didn't you just call me and ask ?" His voice laced with hurt. Now I feel worse.

"Look, I know I shouldn't have avoided you this week. I just didn't know what to say to you and I needed to get done things sorted out before I came here." I kept my gaze locked on the ground.

There was a pause. "I'm your best friend, how could you not know what to say to me ?"

"I don't know, Aaron. I just thought that things were changed after I kissed you." I mumble but I know he could hear me.

He rolled off his bed and sat with his legs crossed in front of me. "I'll always be your friend, whether you share my feelings for you or not. You should've just talked to me about it Ari." He bends his head down so he's in my line of view. I smile.

"But by the way you attacked my face that night I'm guessing we do share feelings for eachother." And there it is. He's back to being cocky and conceited.

I look up at him and roll my eyes. "Whatever, you started it." I laugh.

He shifts so he's on his knees and he comes closer to me. "And I'll keep starting it." He puts his hand on either side of me and I can already feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Um...Aaron...I don't thin-" I try to say but he brushes his lips against mine and I instantly shut up.

We kept eye contact for a long time while staying in that same proximity. I start to get irritated because every time I'd lean closer he'd pull away and laugh.

"Patience." He smirked and came close again.

"I'm not patient, Aaron. You know that." I mumble.

"Oh yeah." He places a light kiss on my lips and I sigh.

After being really tired of getting teased, I grab his shirt and pull him closer one last time. "Aaron you better stop teasing and just kiss me or so help me I will walk out of this room and ignore you for another week." I say.

He just laughs again and finally kisses me for real this time. I keep one hand holding his shirt and the other on the back of his neck, playing with his hair.

His arms snake around my waist and pulling me more towards him till I'm practically sitting on the ground with him.

I pull away first, trying to replenish my air supply.

"How in the world did I go a whole week without that ?" He says standing up.

I laugh as he helps me onto my feet. "You tell me." I jump onto his bed and he gasps.

"I have no idea...and you better keep my room clean ! My mom will kill me if it's messy again !" He says while walking out his bedroom door.

I'm not sure where he went but I get comfortable and turn on the TV.

Instead of watching some random reality TV series, I just think.

How did I get here ? Am I really supposed to be feeling this happy ? I'm still worried about Derek but I can't bring myself to stop smiling when I think of Aaron. First I thought life was just a something to survive. I never really appreciated moments for what they really are. Now I'm grateful for every single second. This very day, is just a new beginning.

Yaaaay ! This chapter was a little on the short side...I just wrote this in the middle of geometry actually xD

There will be one more chapter and an epilogue then its all done and I can begin the dreadful editing process D:

Like I say at the end of every chapter, THANKS FOR READING LOVELIES ILYSM ! I'm glad you have stayed with me and my odd plots for so long (;

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