Mediocre Days

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Derek's POV :

I squint against the sun in my face. Damn it, gotta get up. I check the clock, 12:00 p.m. Damn, damn, damn.

I slide until I'm sitting in the edge of my bed. Looking around, I try to remember what I needed to do today...I got nothing. Oh yeah, chores, babysitting, and to deal with my bipolar girlfriend. I swear, if it was any other girl, I'd be gone.

I take a quick shower and attempt to wake myself up. Cold showers anyone ?

Walking out in my towel I lie back on my day today. So. Very. Excited.

"Derek ! Get up it's already 12 !" My mother calls from downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I mumble to myself as I shuffle to my closet and grab some clothes. No need to look nice now. Practically galloping down the steps, I hear my mother bustling throughout the room. A ball of energy that one.

"Hey Mom." I say to thin air, not seeing her but hearing her movements.

"Hi Sweetie, there's cereal if you're hungry. I'm going out soon and you're brother and sister are in the other room." She says while still cleaning, making sure everything is spotless.

"Yuppers." I grab a bag of chips and go to mess with my so called "siblings."

Ari's POV :

"I'm almost there ! Omfg I'm so close." I exclaim.

"Don't you dare Ari !" Aaron says angrily. This kid has so much patience.

I finally cross the finish line. Yes ! I'm the champion of Mario Kart ! YES !

"Ugh. You won..." He mumbles as I'm doing my tenth victory dance in the past hour. He just watches me with a sour face.

"You jelly, boy ?" I say slightly out of breath. Now I know why dancing is such a good way to lose weight.

"Shut the fuck up woman. It's just a game, nothing more." And this is where shit goes down.

"Well human, winning this game, yes this one in particular, was the greatest feeling ever. Too bad you don't know what winning feels like. Gues-" I'm on the ground. Now the real fun begins !

"You can't win me at wrestling. I'm stronger !" He says lying his body across mine as he pulls my hands behind my back. Oh it's on !

Derek's POV :

"Shush, I'm getting there. Wait a second children, gosh." I say to the devil children as I make them some macaroni and cheese. I put a scoop into each of the two bowls and place it in front of them.

"There you go, darlings." I say sarcastically as I fix me my own bowl. Can't go wrong with macaroni and cheese !

I look at my phone for the what seems like billionth time today, nothing. I'm so popular ! Yaaay !

Finishing my food in under five seconds, I return to my motherly duties and take the kids into the living room for a movie.

After an hour they're both sleeping and I'm stuck watching Spongebob. I actually like this show though...who doesn't ?

I decide to text Ariella tomorrow, we both need our space right now. Me, on the other hand intend to finish this season of Spongebob.

Ah, my life is just so interesting...

Ari's POV :

Both of our limbs end up tangled together and soon enough, we're both tired and a bit bruised.

"You're getting better at your locks, and good defense." He says, untangling himself and flopping onto the couch.

"Thanks, Coach." I plunder on the chair next to him.

"Sooo, what now ?"

"I don't know ?"

We both look at eachother.


Updated (: Being as I had to study for my chemistry test on type one binary compounds, this is just a filler chapter, sowwy :( I'm not 100% on when I'm going to update next but hopefully sooner than you think (; Thanks for reading lovelies !

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