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He didn't message me after that day. Things were normal enough between Derek, Kayla and I. It just feels like...something bad is gonna happen.

I was sleeping over my cousins' house but was actually hanging out with my friend. He lived down the street, and I was here more often than my cousin's house anyway.

He was a year older than me and we've been friends for, maybe three years or so. We're playing Just Dance 4 and I'm kicking his butt !

"Ari ! Give me a chance here !" As if ! I'm winning this round, no mercy !

"No way Aaron !" I push him away from the screen. He trips on a controller and falls.

"Oh noooo...! ?" I say in between my fits of laughter. He just sits there on the ground and turns off the t.v so we can't play anymore.

"You're a sore loser Aaron !" I sit on a chair. He gets up just to flop back down on his bed.

"And you are too competitive." He said with a smirk in his face. Its true, I am unbelievably competitive. He turns the t.v back on and we just watch whatever is on.

After about an hour, i'm playing on my phone and he is downstairs doing something. I decide I'm not comfortable on this chair and go to invade his bed. Ah...much better. I haven't really talked to Derek today. That's not normal...I check my phone, nothing. Huh...maybe he's busy ? I'll just text him tomorrow.

I watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, damn I love this series. I totally ship "Drarry." Just kidding ! Its early in the movie and I'm immersed in the scene. But before I knew it, I fell into the oblivion of my own dream.


I'm sitting in a park, its night time. Looking around, there's noone here yet I could tell I wasn't alone. The atmosphere was cold and the dark sky threatened rain as the heavy clouds hung low from the heavens. Unlike the menacing clouds above, the wind was kind, the slight breeze causing the strands of my hair to dance.

The swing I hadn't realized I was sitting on moved slightly, the creaking noise catching me off guard. I looked around once more, feeling at peace here but still knowing someone was watching by the way the hair on my neck stood up in warning. Someone was definitely here.

As if on cue, I seen a figure emerge from a patch of darkness in front of me. I tried to get up from the swing but couldn't move, I was in shock. I struggled against the invisible force holding me in my seat. I decided to just observe the tall figure stalking towards me, it was a male, you could tell by his built and his walk.

He sat calmly in the swing next to me. I didn't feel scared, or in danger, in fact I felt even more at peace than before.

He was dressed in a black hoodie with the hood covering his features, pants (looked like Levis but its dark, I can't tell for sure) and converse. By the way the hoodie hugged his body, told me he was pretty fit. We stay there in silence, each passing second only fueling my curiosity more.

Thinking of a million questions at once, I caught a slight glimpse of movement. I looked over to see the mystery guy getting up. He got off the swing and kneeled in front of me.

"Ari.." Was all he said before our lips collided. Suddenly I got my mobile skills back but was already lost in the kiss. His lips felt like electricity against mine, but it didn't hurt. That cheesy thing you read about sparks and fireworks ? Yup this was it. His hands had tangled themselves in my hair and mine was tugging on his hoodie, bringing him as close as I could.

He pulled back first, I felt a pang in my gut and couldn't believe how empty I felt at that second. My head was fuzzy, my breathing beyond uneven. I paused for a second, I still don't know who it is ! I just kissed a stranger !

As I lifted my hand to push back his hood, he grabbed my wrist. I jumped at the sudden contact. He took my hand and kissed it. Then he got up and pulled me with him. He was tall, I was barely up to his neck. He seems so familiar...I really want to know who the hell he is.

"Who are you ?" I said, my voice revealing just how nervous I was.

"Shhh.." He bent down and kissed my lips ever so carefully. Once again I lost all hope of thinking logically because I already wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to me for more.

We broke away again and he kept his forehead against mine. I could just barely see his eyes.

Those eyes looked kind of like...


I was poked in the rib. Ow....

"Ari, get up. Dinner is ready..." I just rolled over away from whoever was trying to disrupt me. Can't I ever finish a good dream ?!

"Come know you want food.." Said the same annoying voice, of course it belonged to my cousin. Wait, my cousin ?! I thought I was at Aaron's house ?! I grunted.

"I'll just hibernate, I'm part grizzly bear. Us bears don't need to eat during the times in which we hibernate." I said in a tired tone.

"Ugh fine, but its pizza tonight. We got a plain cheese one just for you..." I sat up abruptly. Damn hibernation...I want pizza now.

"That's what I thought." She walked out triumphantly.

"Shut your face you measly peasant." I walked into the kitchen. Grabbing the box and sitting on the couch. My cousin sits next to me, her eyes widening at seeing the whole box in my lap.

I quickly finish the slices and take the rest to my room, closing the door. Yes, I have my own room because that's how often I sleep here. I called Aaron.

"Yes, Ari ?" I could tell by his voice he was smiling.

"How the hell did I get back in my room when I was at your house ?!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "Well I was gonna let you sleep but decided to just take you back so you can sleep in your own bed and not mine." This ass.

"Next time just wake me up !" I still can't picture him carrying me here..

"You seemed like you were having a good dream, I didn't want to wake you...but I did want my bed back." He was completely laughing now, not holding back anymore. "Were you having a special dream Ari ? Emphasis on the special..." He trailed off.

"Shut up." I was blushing. Who was that guy ?! I never saw his face ! "I'm gonna leave you to drown in your laughter, night Aaron."

"Night Ari !" I hung up.

I thought back to the dream. It was the best dream I've ever had. Was this good ? Wait...Derek. It was probably him ! But...then why was it I didn't feel such strong sparks when we kissed that day at the seemed to be forever ago. Yes, the sparks were there but it wasn't as vivid as the ones in the dream.

It had to be him. Who else could it have been ? Exactly. I felt a familiarity with my mystery man but I couldn't pinpoint who it was with much accuracy.

Maybe it was just a pointless dream. But I was taught dreams always have a reason to appear.

Okay, so if you're confused about all the random dream scenes, its my way of foreshadowing. Plus, I really believe dreams are subconscious signs. Plus its just the wanted to write this chapter so yeah lol. Also, sorry about the random introduction of the new character (Aaron). I'm gonna include him a bit more so be prepared.

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