Trust Is Crucial

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A month later...

I walk into my bedroom and open my closet. What to wear today ? A dress ? A sweater ?

Finally deciding on a simple tanktop, shorts and converse, I move along to start on my hair. I curl the ends a bit. Next my face. I apply eyeliner and mascara. All done !

I walk outside to find the one and only, Aaron. He's leaning against his old 1997 Jeep Cherokee like it's a Porsche.

"You look like you're trying to pick up young children and take them back to your lair." I say, trying to pull off a straight face.

"Puh-lease Ari. The only person who looks like a creeper is you. Now shut up and get in the car." He hops into the drivers seat.

I stand by the door expectantly.

He looks at me curiously. "What are you waiting for ? Get in girly."

"A gentleman opens the door for a lady." I smile wide. He hates when I do this.

He gets out and walks over to me. "We both know I am not a gentleman and you are not a lady." He ruffles my hair after I'm situated in my seat. Ugh not my hair !

We finally reach our destination. The fair ! It only comes into town once a year and it's the best ever !

I run towards the gate, dragging Aaron with me. Soon enough, we're  both riding The Zipper.

We make our way through everything, trying out the all rides, games, stores and foods. I couldn't be more happy.

We take a break and I check my phone. Oh, my honey texted me ! Yeah today is our 3 month anniversary !!! It's been so long since I've seen him.

I miss him like crazy. We were okay for the first 2 months (I mean with a bit of turbulence) but were back to fighting a lot. I mean, it's usually my fault because I'm moody and really stubborn. So I'm trying to be nice today, for the sake of our anniversary.

Instead of texting him back, I just call him. I feel like hearing his voice anyway.

"Hi babe." He answers.

"Hi love ! Happy anniversary !" I sing into the phone. Might as well be silly and happy.

"Same to you, what are you doing ?" He didn't seem to happy...

"I'm at the fair with Aaron. But, he's stuffing his face somewhere and I'm looking around the shops." I smile as I see a adorable little girl walking with her mother.

He pauses for a second. "Oh, cool." That's all he says.

"Yeah, how bout you ? I miss you !" Maybe he's just tired...

"Oh nothing...just at home, playing games."

There's an awkward silence but he says something before I get my change to reply.

"Listen, I gotta go. Um, have fun with Aaron or whatever, I'll text you later." I stop walking, surprised by the way he's acting. Today, of all days.

"Babe, wai-" he hung up. I remain stuck in my tracks and stare at my phone. The day I'm trying to be nice and make up for the way I've been and he hangs up on me ?! What a jerk !

I grunt, put my phone in my pocket and continue to walk around. I need a break from all this drama...and sometime soon.

Later that day...

"Ari, hurry your lazy ass up and get in the bucket." Aaron says, clearly annoyed.

"You know I don't do ferris wheels Aaron." I stay on the platform begging him to let it go.

"No, you're gonna get your butt in this bucket and you're gonna get over this stupid fear." He pulls my hand hard and I stumble in.

"Oh God...I'm going to die...I hate you ass-" I get cut off by him putting his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, you're ruining the view." He looks at me somewhat amused.

I manage to peel his hand off of my face and look around. I'm amazed by the view, but still scared at how high up we are. I can't help it so I close my eyes.

I feel two hands on either side of my face. "Ari, open your eyes. Come on it isn't that bad, you know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." His grip gets slightly stronger to support the urgency in his words.

"I'm scared." Is all I can manage to say. I think this is what a panic attack feels like...oh well.

"Don't be scared, nothing is going to happen. Just open your eyes and focus on me. Just keep talking to me, don't look down, or watch the sunset." He pulls me close and I open my eyes gingerly.

"Okay...good you're doing better." He says with a smile.

"You suck." I say glancing up at him.

"I know, I know." He attempts to hold in his laughter. I punch him in the arm.

"Ow !" I laugh then, forgetting that I was a million feet in the air !!!

"Look at the sunset Ari !" He points towards the beautiful scene before us. I couldn't help but smile at how mesmerizing it was.

Just like every sunset here, it was bright orange with pink and purple swirled in, creating a combination of the loveliest kind. Growing up here all my life but still being captured by these candid moments, well that's the joy of living in Hawaii. You never get tired of the beauty.

"Hey Ari ?" I look over to see Aaron smiling.

"Yeah ?" I keep eye contact with him.

"You're not scared anymore, right ?" He says with a little enthusiasm. "I cured your fear of going on the ferris wheel didn't I ?!"

"No." I keep my face neutral while his smile falters a bit. "You just made it...less scary." I smile wide and he mirrors my giddiness.

"Good, now we can go again !!!" He shouts triumphantly.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. No Aaron !" Too late.

Derek's POV

I check my clock and see that's it's 2:00 a.m. I can't believe I'm losing out on another night of sleep. This shit needs to stop.

I check my phone next, nothing. No missed calls, no texts. I still can't believe she was out with that guy, Aaron. She knows I don't like when she's alone with other guys. Things can happen.

Should I call her ? It's only like, 8:00 p.m. over there. That's not that late.

I decide to just call.




"Hi this is Ari, I'm sorry I didn't answer but I'll get back to you when I finally check my phone ! Okie dokie bye !!!"

Damn it. She's probably all cuddle wuddles with that other guy. On our anniversary.

I pace back in forth in my room. Thinking about how the fuck things ended up so different. We were never this far apart, ever.

She makes me so pissed off and then the next day she's happy ? How does she expect me to react ? I seriously don't understand her bipolar attitude at all.

It feels like I'm losing her. She used to tell me everything, what's bothering her, how her day went, without me even needing to ask. Now, I have to inquire in order to even know what she's thinking, much less doing.

I just don't know what to do anymore, she is the one who ultimately keeps this relationship going, I'm just trying to keep up.

Sooo I updated (: I figured I should since school starts tomorrow...ugh xP Anyway, how's the different POV's ? Yes ? No ? Oh well, I thought it would help you understand Derek a bit more. So my next update should be before Sunday, maybe earlier if I get some feedback (; Thanks for reading guys it means the world to me !!! :D 

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