Chapter Two: Sing Us A Song.

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Heeey!! Amber here now ;D This is the second chapter. Lana writes the next one :) We'd like a few votes and comments guys, please! :D See ya! xx

Lana's Note: Tree ya later!! x

{Liam's POV}

''Here we are'' Niall said, parking the car in front of Harry's aunt's place.

''Cool. So, we have this place to ourselves?'' Zayn asked, climbing out of the car. Harry nodded.

''Yeah. Apart from the cleaners, cooks and the butler'' he said. Amber snorted and Lana burst out laughing. She's a nice girl. Very pretty.

''Yeah, right!'' Amber said, raising her eyebrow at Harry. He grinned and walked up to the front door.

''I was joking'' he said, unlocking the door. Lana and Amber grinned at each other. Then they got their bags out of the car.

''Here, I'll help you'' Lou said, taking her bags from her. She grinned and said:

''Thanks Lou''. He smiled back and I watched as Zayn took Amber's bags from her.

''I'll show you girls to your rooms'' Harry said, appearing from the kitchen as Zayn and Lou stagger indoors. What have they got in their bags?

Zayn and Lou walked up the stairs, following Harry to the girls rooms. I think it's gonna be fun having two girls here, in the house. Especially two girls like Amber and Lana.

{Zayn's POV}

I helped Amber with her bags. She's really pretty. Lana's pretty too. It's gonna be cool having two girls like them here with us.

After we'd took their bags upstairs we had lunch. Louis cooked it. I hope I didn't food-poison myself.

''So, girls. When are we gonna listen to your singing?'' Harry asked, sitting down on the sofa with a drink. They both went red.

''We have to hear you sooner or later. Sooner the better, right?'' Harry winked at Amber. She rolled her eyes at him. I really want to hear them sing.

''Aw, come on! We wanna hear you sing!'' Niall moaned. Lana and Amber looked at each other.

''Fine'' Amber sighed.

''Yes! Which song are you gonna sing?'' Louis asked them, leaping up from his chair.

''Er, ....'' Lana said. "How about....Same Mistakes?"

''Cool! Who sings first?'' Harry said putting his drink down, as Liam snorted at the song choice

''We both start. We sing together'' Lana explained.

''Cool. Are you gonna start then?'' I asked, smiling at Amber.

''And is there any solo parts?'' Liam asked before they could reply. Lana nodded.

''Yeah, we each do a solo part'' Amber said.

''We'll start now shall we?'' Lana asked, her hand on her hip. We all nodded, eagerly.

Then they looked at each other and started singing. My jaw dropped. Wow. They can sing! I thought they'd be worse than that!

"Circles, we're going in circles,

Dizzy's all it makes us,

We know where it takes us,

We've been before."

They both have great voices. Amber's voice is angelic, but also very powerful. Their voices are really similar.

When they started, none of us expected them to have voices like the voices they have. We were all gaping at them, our jaws dropped on the floor. When Amber sings her solo, my eyes opened wide. Her voice Unique.

Then they sing together again. I looked around the room. Everyone's eyes are wide. I watched Louis as Lana sang her solo. I turned back to watch the girls. Looks like someone's got a crush!

Harry clapped hard as they finished the song. We all followed his lead and clapped and cheered. The girls went red.

''That was great!'' Niall said, grinning at the girls.

''Thanks'' Lana said, smiling at him.

''Well, we're gonna unpack. We'll be back down in a minute'' Amber said, pulling Lana out of the room.

{Lana's POV}

''Do you think they like us?'' Amber asked me, unzipping her suitcase. I nod fervently.

''Yeah, course they do!'' I reply, grinning. Amber laughed.

''Do you like any of them?'' she asked me, raising her eyebrow.

''Well...Louis is pretty cute. Don't ya think?'' I said hesitantly.

''Yeah, he is cute'' she answered me.

''But...You like one of the others!'' I said, grinning. She nodded.

''Zayn's pretty cute'' she said, slowly. I laughed gleefully.

''Anyway, let's go back downstairs'' I said, shutting my suitcase and dragging Amber to the stairs.

''Let go Lana. I can walk you know'' she said, laughing quietly. I laughed with her and let go of her elbow. We walked down the stairs. We heard the boys talking.

''Yeah, I like them. And they've got great voices'' Harry said, quietly. I looked at Amber and winked. she smiled back and we listened to the boys.

''Yes, they have'' Zayn said, slowly. I nudge Amber and she frowned at me. Then Louis started to speak. Amber nudged me. Maybe a bit too hard. I toppled on the stairs. Amber gasped. I leaned forward and cried out. Before I fell down the stairs Amber grabbed me and we heard some noise in the living room.

''Sorry'' Amber muttered as the boys appeared.

''What happened?'' Niall asked.

''Er, nothing. Amber nearly pushed me down the stairs'' I explained, cheerfully. Amber laughed, despite herself.

''We were playing around'' I lied smoothly. The boys grinned and went back to the living room. Amber and me looked at each other and then followed them into the living room.

''Let's play a game!'' Niall said, grinning.

''What game?'' I asked, warily.

''Twister!'' Harry yelled.

We all laughed. Twister sounded like a cool game to play with five very competitive boys. Five very competitive boys...oh god.

Liam stood up and picked up a box from underneath a chest of drawers and he placed the mat on the floor. We all stood up and took our shoes off.

''Right! Let's play. Someone has to stay out and twist the arrow for our choices'' Louis said.

''I'll stay out'' Harry grinned. Then he flicked the arrow and he pointed at Amber.

''Ladies first'' he winked. She smiled and looked at the arrow. Then she placed her foot on a red circle.

After ten minutes we are really and truly tangled. Harry grinned and left the room, only to come back with a camera. He took a picture and then we all collapsed on top of each other.

''That was fun!'' Niall grinned at me. I grinned back, as we all collapsed on the sofa, exhausted. One day with the boys and we're already having the time of our lives. I wonder what else will happen...


Hey guys! Lana here now! Hope you enjoyed, and we'll put up a picture of Brottany Snow, later. She is Amber's actress. I hope to update soon.

Tree ya later!


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