Chapter Ten: Bad News.

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Hi guys!!! :D Amber here! Okay, so I just wanted to say THANKS to everyone for commenting and voting and such. We love you guys!! :D And yeah, OH! Vote for us on our solo accounts for Best Young Author! We've posted the link on our own accounts :) PLEASE???

So here goes...The next chapter!



Mrs Malik

Direction Princess

Ambi Bambi

Chocolate Queen

Baby Momma

Chapter 10: Bad News.

Lana's POV:

The first concert was amazing! Amber and I both had so much fun! When we got back to the bus (after signing autographs and also taking pictures with the fans) we were so tired.

The next morning we all woke up late. Louis was up first, for a change. He was making breakfast in the kitchen when I woke up. Nobody else was up. I noticed Amber and Zayn cuddled up together. Aw. They look so sweet together!

''Morning Lou.'' I said, slipping my arm around his waist.

''Hi beautiful!'' he exclaimed, smiling.

''Want some breakfast?''

''No thanks. I'll just have some tea or something.'' I replied, taking a cup from the cupboard.

''Okay babe. Hey, do you think we should wake the others up?'' he asked, flipping the pancake he was cooking.

''I don't know. We'll let them sleep.'' I said, grinning.

He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Then we heard a noise by the door and we broke apart.

''Oops, sorry for intruding guys.'' Amber said, rubbing her eyes.

She was dressed in a too-big for her top of Zayn's and pyjama bottoms.

''Doesn't matter Amber. You Ok?'' Louis asked her.

''Yeah, just tired out from yesterday, that's all.'' she replied, smiling.

''I'm going to get dressed.'' I said, kissing Louis and then leaving the kitchen.

I quickly pull on some tight skinny jeans and a grey top and brush my hair. Then Amber came in and got dressed too. She put on black skinny jeans, a light blue hoodie and white Converse.

I pulled on ankle boots as I left the room. Amber let her hair hang loose around her shoulders.

''So, what are we going to do today?'' Amber asked as we sat down on the sofa.

I saw Louis shrug and I said: ''Relax. I don't feel like doing anything today!''

''No, nor do I! I'm so tired. I feel as if my arms and legs are gonna fall off!'' Amber exclaimed, grinning.

''That's all the dancing you done yesterday!'' Harry said, coming into the living room.

''Yeah. And, Lana and me aren't used to it, so it's even worse. Our bodies have to get used to it first.'' Amber explained, using some of her knowledge.

''You got that right! We were all tired and felt like our limbs were gonna fall off when we first performed.'' Louis said, looking up from his plate.

''Louis, can you do me a plate of pancakes?'' Harry asked him, opening his eyes wide and pouting his bottom lip.

''No! Do it yourself!'' Louis said, covering his mouth as he said it. Harry's shoulders slumped and Amber stood up.

''I'll make you some Harry.'' she said, smiling. Harry flung his arms around her and hugged her.

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