Chapter Nineteen: Paparazzi.

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Lana: Hello, guys :) Sorry it took me a while to write this, I'm so busy at the moment. Actually, I learned a really good trick yesterday to stop getting writer's block, which happens a lot when I write this story. You watch a movie. Yesterday was StarStruck.

BEFORE I START I need to bring up a very urgent, thing that's affecting everyone. First of all, I've been getting hate from one or two people, and let me tell you: THAT STUFF BLOODY HURTS! But it isn't near as bad as my epic friend Danielle. She's being insulted and told to get off Wattpad. Listen, if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all. I suggest that the haters leave her alone or I will stalk her on all four of my accounts.

x Lana x

P.S: WATCHING HP 7 PART 2!!!!! ;)

Chapter Nineteen: Paparazzi.

Lana's POV:

Oh no, they're back.

“We only forgot our jacket's...” was Savannah's excuse.

“Of course.” Louis leapt up, going to get them. I clenched my fist, trying to stay calm.

“Oh, zank you,” Victoire smiled toothily. “Our manager would 'ave killed us if we forgot zem.”

“Manager?” Harry looked interested. “What do you work as?”

“Well, eet is a long story.” She sighed.

“Then spare us,” Amber muttered in my ear. I snorted.

“I heard that, Alison,” Savannah glared at her. Amber stormed up to her, her eyes blazing. I guess she'd finally had enough.

“My name is Amber, okay? I am sick of you and your stupid little games! Get away from our boys, now.”

“Amber, Amber,” Zayn muttered. “I love you.”

Amber cooled off with a glass of water, sighing heavily.

“Well, where do you work?” I asked, curious despite myself.

“Well, my seester, she is ze photographer for 'ollister.” Victoire explained.

“Hollister?” Louis was intrigued. He loved Hollister.

“Yes, so she let Savannah and I be models, given our -” She flicked some hair over her shoulder. “-looks. We are tres belle, oui?”

Non,” I smiled innocently. “You look like a moitié mangé d'escargots.”

Victoire threw her hands to her heart in horror. “Je ne suis pas un escargot!”

“Look, what are you all saying?” Louis held his arms up in confusion.

“She said I look like a half eaten snail,” Vicky scowled.

“Lana!” Liam tutted, suppressing a giggle. Niall didn't do so well, he burst out laughing.

“Hollister models, you say?” We all jumped, as we saw Rayna standing at the door.

“Yeah,” Savannah nodded.

“Ladies, a minute,” She gestured them outside.

# # # # # #

Amber's POV

“Boys, girls.” Rayna strolled into the room. Harry was snoring and he jerked awake. Liam was reading, Louis was playing cards with Zayn and Nialll was eating. Lana and I were rejoicing that we had finally left Paris and Savannah and Victoire behind.

Look After You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora