Chapter Fifteen: Hopeless Romantics.

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You guys are lucky I'm writing this cause I feel terrible. Stupid so-called 'friend' who thinks himself... *goes off in angry muttering and ranting* *six hours later* I have returned. Let's stop wasting your life with these pointless comments and I shall write, yeah? Cool.

Lana xx


Chapter Fifteen: Hopeless Romantics.

|~Louis' POV~|

I yawned, rolling over to check my phone. 3:10 AM. And I still couldn't sleep. I couldn't get the fight out of my head. Lana's tear streaked face and spiteful words, and Amber's vicious insults and hurt expression. It was all my fault. All mine.

I went to check on Lana. She was crying.

'So called friends!' She was muttering. 'They say they'll always be there until they're actually not there anymore.'

Then I went over to Amber's room. She was still there, thank God. I padded downstairs, to find Niall and Zayn at the table, drinking beer.

'What you lot doing up?' I asked, plopping down on Zayn's lap, earning a groan off him.

'You're fat, Lou. What have you been eating?' He complained.

'We're making sure Amber or Lana don't try to escape the bus.' Niall answered, swigging his drink.

'You think they're gonna get out on a moving bus?' I asked sceptically. Niall and Zayn looking at each other, then facepalming themselves.

'We're such idiots!' Niall laughed hysterically. I rolled my eyes. Zayn cocked his ear towards Lana's bedroom. We heard raised voices.

'They're at it again!' Zayn exclaimed, as we raced for the shouting place. Lana had on her Minnie Mouse top, and loose purple check pyjama bottoms. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun.

Amber wore pretty much the same. Just shows how similar they are. For example, the boys had all gathered around and were in boxers.

'What the hell are you doing in my room? Get out.' Said Lana quietly.

'Make me,' Amber challenged. 'I was just getting my phone.'

Lana slammed her hand down over Amber's white iPhone, protecting it.

'What do you want with it?'

'I want to bin it,' She replied. Our mouths fell. Bin an iPhone? She is deranged, it's clear.

'I bought you that for your birthday!' Lani yelled.

'Precisely,' Responded Amber. 'Who's money did you use, huh? That another secret?'

'I said I'm sorry! But everything in my life doesn't have to be known by you Amber! I can have secrets! Did you ever think maybe I had a reason for telling you?' Lana's voice raised, angrily.

'What?' Amber folded her arms.

'Maybe I didn't want you worrying about me. Maybe I didn't want you meddling in my love life!' She yelled. The expression on her face told me she regretted her words.

'Maybe I don't want to ever talk to you again,' Amber said, furiously, storming out of the room.

'Good!' was her 'brilliant' comeback. Niall and I rushed to comfort Lana, while Zayn and Harry dashed for Amber's bedroom. Liam stayed put, his hands massaging his temples worriedly.


I put my hands over my ears, and placed my head under my pillow. The boys followed suit. Liam had One Direction music on at full blast. Zayn had dived underneath his duvet, Niall had his fingers in his ears, singing 'La la la!' at the top of his voice.

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