Chapter Sixteen: A Video.

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Going straight to the chapter because I wanna get it written down before I forget. Lol :P Here we go! My chapter; A Video. Hope you like! Vote and Comment ;)



|-Amber's POV-|

''Amber? Where are you?'' Lana called, from the door. I rolled over on my side.

''I was asleep.'' I muttered as she sat down on the side of the bed. She laughed.

''Sorry.'' she replied, not sorry at all. ''Anyway, I came in here to tell you that Louis is on the phone again.''

''Who to?'' I asked her, propping myself up on my elbow.

''The manager.'' she said, half fearfully.

''Oh. What about?''

''I don't know. He shut the door.'' she shrugged.

''Damn. Okay. Well, since you got me up, I'd better get some breakfast.'' I smiled at her.

''Yeah. What do you want? Toast? Cereal? Pancakes?'' she offered.

''Pancakes please. Actually, on second thought, toast. I have a bad memory of pancakes.''

She laughed. ''Yeah. How's your ankle?''

''It's better. I hardly have to use crutches any more.'' I grinned.

''That's good!''

''Yep. Look, I can walk without them now.'' I stood up and walked to the door. I was in a tiny bit of pain, but nothing like before.

''You get changed. I'll do your toast.'' she smiled and left the room.

I pulled on some casual clothes and tied my hair up in a ponytail. Then I went into the kitchen.

Lana handed me a plate of toast and I quickly ate it. We both listened to Louis and the manager on the phone. We glanced at each other as he opened the door.

He threw the phone onto the sofa and went into the living room, where the rest of the boys are.

''Louis?'' Lana called as he shut the door.

''Wait. Leave them to talk. Maybe it's something important and we can't know.'' I shrugged, pulling her back. She gave me a look.

''They'd tell us anyway.'' I laughed at her face.

''Yeah, course.'' she sat down.

We sat in silence as we waited. I ate my toast, picking at it distractedly.

After a few minutes there were shouts and screams from where the boys were. To be exact, the living room. Zayn came out, running towards me and lifted me up, twirling me around happily. I wonder what got into them.

I watched as Louis done the same thing to Lana. I laughed as Zayn set me down gently.

''What's so good?'' I asked him.

He smiled at the other boys and Lana and me waited.

Come on...! We haven't got all day!

''We're gonna record another music video!'' they yelled at the same time.

Lana and me screamed. Then we hugged the boys really tight and jumped around with them.

''Which song?'' Lana asked.

''Moments.'' Louis replied. Lana's face was priceless. I bet she was thinking - how the heck I am meant to song that?!

Aw! That's Lana's favourite album song! One of them anyway. It makes her cry. And me. But she really tears up.

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