The definition of Insanity

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Chapter 12:

Three weeks later

"Okay, it's time to go." Nurse Li says. I sigh. I watch my daughter through the glass as she smiles and laughs, talking to herself.

"Come on, Harmoni. We've talked about this. You can't stay."

"It's not fair, you know. Why her?" My voice breaks at the end. Watching my daughter go insane. Literally. Her mental coping skills, must have been lacking for this to happen. I can not believe this....but sadly its true. It's right in front of me.

"I know, I know. but all you can do know is let her get better. Hope for the best but don't get your hopes too high. This may take a very long time to get over." She says.

"i'll see you in a few days. Come on, kids lets go." I say. Surprisingly, Tay has been the most affected by this. He has really connected with her. But he seems really depressed by it, although Kay Kay seems to be helping him cope.

Antonio feels responsible and has really taken it hard.

"Babe you ready?"He says his voice raspy. I sigh, nodding. We all walk out ot he car. The ride silent as it always is.

"She'd hate us, you know." Janelle says, quietly.

"What?"Tonio says.

"She'd be really mad we're sitting up here depressed and sad and acting like she's dead. Angel is all about fun. So can we please go have some fun?" My eldest daughter says, exasperated.

"You're right. Let's go out to eat." Antonio says.

"Artie's?" Javier says, suggesting Angel's favorite restaurant. I smile.

"Let's do it."

Four Hours Later:

"You cheated!" Janelle yells.

"You're just mad you can't beat me!" Tay says as we exit the go kart place.

"Race you to the car?" Javier says to Tonio.

"GO!" Tonio screams. They all run for the car. Antonio unlocks it, but as soon as they get there he locks it back.

"You play too much, dad!" Tay yells. Antonio unlocks the car.

We get in the car, they ride home is filled with laughs,and jokess and sing alongs. They run in the house, racing to the fridge.

"Y'all are so fat!" Antonio says.

"No we growin!" Javier counters

"Whatever, just don't stay up too late. Good Night. Love y'all."I say

"Good Night, love y'all too." They chorus.

We get in the bed room and shut the door.

"Tonight was a good night. We can't worry so much." Antonio says, watching me strip.

"You're right, did you notice Tay called you dad?"I say from the bathroom. I start brushing my teeth in my underwear.

"Yeah...I did."He says. I hear a smile in his voice. He comes up behind me, his cologne still lingering on his skin. Immediately I feel my stomach churn. I push him away.

"Bae, what I do?" he says walking back up, my stomach lurches as I get a huge whiff of it again. I run for the private toilet, barely making it. I empty the contents of my stomach. Luckily I wore my hair up. I feel my skin become clammy as I finish. I lean against the wall, beathing heavily.

Antonio stares at me. I know what he's thinking because it's the same thing I've thinking for a week.

"You're pregnant." He states.

"Probably..."I say.

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