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Chapter 13:

" did we let this happen?"Antonio says.

"To be completely honest I don't remember the last time I took my birth control. Or even went and got the shot..."I say, as Antonio helps me up from the floor.

" is this gonna work?"He asks as I brush my teeth. I shrug, turning away from him. I can feel my emotions starting to get out of control.

"No, don't do that."He says, walking closer. I spit.

"Don't do what?"I say, though my voice is shaky.

"Don't shut me out. I know you, Harmoni. When things get rough, you put on a brave face. But only I can see the real you." He says looking at me in the mirror. My eyes shiny with tears. I purse my lips trying to keep the tears at bay.

"What are we gonna do?"I say in a soft, strained voice. Tears start to spill over, running down my cheeks. He turns me around, and I begin to sob into him.

"What are we going to do? I mean like we have the money but like we don't have the space! Yay just got all moved in to the guest bedroom, and I would never kick him out of it. Because of the fragility of this new relationship. And I wouldn't move the new baby into any of the other kids room because Lord knows how the baby will sleep. And could never move the baby into Angel's room. And heaven knows when Angel will get better! And this bitch Keisha is stalking us, and Baba is still out there. I just can't do this."I say.

"Calm down. Baby everything will be alright. It will."

"How do you know.?"

"Because I have a strong wife, who has never let anything break her."

"I don't feel very strong right now." I whisper.

"That's okay. Cuz no matter what you still are."

"I love you."

"I love you."He answers.

After talking more, we take a shower together and then go to bed. The next morning after I drop the kids off, I get a pregnancy test and take it. As I'm waiting the phone rings.

"Hernandez Residence, Harmoni speaking." I answer.

"Hi, Mrs. Hernandez! This is the psychiatric ward at New York Children's hospital."

"Hi, how is she?"

"Actually, better. She's showing signs of improvement. She's responding to stimulation, and talking to us." The nurse says.

"Really?" I say excited.

"Yes, but I don't want to get your hopes up, so we'd like to wait a few days before you can see her again." She says. I sigh, leaning against the counter.

"Well okay. So will you keep us updated?"I ask.

"Of course. Have a nice day."She squeaks.

"You, too."I say.

My phone chimes. It's Antonio.

'Did you take it?'

Oh shit! I almost forgot about the test.

I go upstairs and check. And of course it's positive. I sigh and text him telling his yes, it's positive.

How could we let this happen?

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