Life as we know it...or not

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Chapter 14:


I go about my day as usual, working from home, the laundry, cleaning up. I walk Coffee and Cream. It's 3 o'clock before I know it. The kids and their friends tumble in. But I barely notice them, I'm thinking too hard. Everything just comes at me at once.

Tay is here, Baba wants to get my daughters...and me. Angel may or may not be getting better. Keisha, that crazy stalker bitch. I feel terrible for her kids. And in this midst of this chaos...I get pregnant. Just my luck.





"Javier, go get Toni and Tay."I hear Janelle say. But I can't snap of this. It's like I'm stuck in some crazy alternative world. I can't process what's going on in front of me. Like I'm on pause while the world plays around me.

"Momma...momma...mommy please talk to me." Antonio says in my ear. I feel tears come to my eyes. Threatening to spill over. I take a deep breath. I blink back the tears.

"Sorry, y'all I was thinking."I say quietly, with a fake smile. Antonio looks at me, being my first born, he's closest to me. He always has been. I don't have favorites, but my baby is definitely a momma's boy. I can't ever hide anything from him very long. He sees instantly something is wrong.

"Why don't y'all go downstairs? I'ma make sure Ma's okay." He says, always the one to take action.

"I'm fine, amor." I say, standing up.

"You sure, bro?" Tay says ignoring the fact I said I'm fine.

"Yeah I got this."

The kids head to the basement. I decide to start on dinner. I'll make a casserole. I go into the kitchen and wash my hands. Then I began taking the ingredients out for taco casserole.

"Madre. Don't ignore me. What was that? What is wrong?" Toni says.

"Nothing, baby. Go hang out with your friends. What do y'all want for dessert? Peach cobbler?"

"Momma, please stop." He says in a begging tone. I look up at him.

"Baby, please. Stay outta grown folks business."I whisper.

"Momma, I'm worried about you."

"Worried about me? Be worried about you!"

" Momma...what are you--"

"Oh you think I didn't know. I told you, your father was--scratch that is in a gang. To be honest he being a dirty ass cop right now. But he my dirty cop. But you done got caught up and now you're a gangbanger. Some sort of gangsta. Trust and believe if you wanna roll with the big boys go to ya daddy. He real. " I say prepping the food.


"Don't. And bring ya brothas up here, since y'all so damn grown."I tell him, pointing a knife at him. He throws up his hands in surrender, then walks to the basement door.

"Tay, Javi. Ven aquí." He yells down the stairs. {Come here} Here come they loud asses, stomping up my fucking stairs, like they the avengers or some shit.

"¡Ay! ¿¡Están ustedes locos?!" I yell as they come up. Last time somebody broke one of the stairs like that.

"What?"Javier says. What the--Who the fuck is this lil boy talking to?! 'What?' Boy...

"...'¿¡Qué! ¡No 'qué' como que si yo fuera una de tus amigos! Ahora, siéntese en alguna parte..."I say to him sternly. {'What?' Don't 'what?' Me like I'm one of your little friends. Now go sit down somewhere.}

"Vale, lo siento, mamá." Javier says sitting on the couch. Tay looks confused.

"Just sit, Tay. You too, Antonio." I say, turning back to the food.

"What is it, Ma?" Tay asks. I smile, briefly. I sigh, as I pour the queso over the tortilla chips. I turn around, ever so slowly. Looking at them each in the eyes.

"You three...are the future. Ya know that? And I already know what y'all are doing. Psht, why do you think Janelle knows so much? She peep me. If y'all didn't know...y'all in the same gang your father is in. He is the head honcho, who gives y'all ground workers the order. And since y'all so big and bad you must know what has been going on. Tay, you don't know but your father's ex mistress is stalking us. Not a big deal, I can always handle her. But I believe she has gotten in to contact with my father." I say thinking hard.

"Wait..Ma. Abuelo is cool." Javier says. I laugh at his innocent remark.

"He's my father through marriage. My biological sperm donor, is a murderer, rapist and abuser. And he was just released from jail not too long ago...and he is once again after me. But this time he's after your sisters, too." I say quietly.

"What the fuck?! Excuse me..."Tay yells, then corrects himself.

"Now it makes sense..."Antonio says quietly.

"Yeah...yeah it does, huh.." I say almost sarcastically.


Hi guise. I'm back I will be updating regularly. Every Tuesday. But I'm going to try and give you two updates this week okay? Sorry for the long wait.


Angel is coming back next chapter. And so is Keisha.....

Love y'all!

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