Right from under you

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Chapter 15:

Three Weeks Later:

"I wish it was Friday, already." I say to Antonio, sighing as I put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me.

"Why?" He says, questioning.

"So we can see our daughter...I mean it's Wednesday. We are already in the hospital. But they said we have to wait until Friday...again." I say exasperated.

"Well, cuchara we're just gonna see how far along you are, and if everything is going, right?" Antonio says.

"Sí, pero--"

"Pero, nada." He cuts me off. I pout.


"I love you."

"I love you too..."I say trying not smile. He pokes my side, making me giggle.

"There's that smile." He whispers in my ear. I stick my tongue out at him then chuckle.

"I almost thought we'd never have this again." I say softly. He purses his lips, then shakes his head letting out a breath.

"I know, baby. I was wrong. I fell off the path. But I'm all yours. I promise, it's not happening again."

"You've had me ever since we met."

"Hernandez?" A nurse in pink scrubs says. We stand and follow the red headed nurse. She eyes Antonio.

"This way, you can take a seat in this room, MISS Hernandez." She says.

"Actually, it's Mrs. She my wife." Antonio corrects before I can even for the words. I see her face fluster.

"The doctor will be with you soon." She manages to choke out. I chuckle as the door closes.

"Something funny?" Antonio ask, pretending not to know.

"Yeah, hilarious." I say rolling my eyes with a smile. Finally ten minutes later the doc comes in.

"Harmoni, Antonio. It's been so long." Dr. Hathaway exclaims.

"It has, I was ecstatic you were still doing practice here." I say smiling.

"Okay so when was the first day of your last period?"

"Um, it was the first week in February." I say trying to remember the exact day.

"Well let's see what's going on. I'm just gonna put some of the gel on your stomach." He says getting right to the process. I lift my shirt and he places a towel on my leggings and one on my shirt. Then piles on the warm, thick goop.

"I also put fetal Doppler on." He says.

"Oh good, we can here the baby's heartbeat." Antonio mentions. The doctor nods looking at the ultrasound.

"So you're around 10 weeks. But the baby is developed about 8 weeks. Wait, that's...yup two fetuses. And...shh, listen close that's two heartbeats." He says.

"God, Antonio! You and your freaking genes!"I say exasperated.


"So all I have to do is go in and ask for her?" Kiesha asks.

"Yes, show them your ID and the letter. That's it." Baba answers.

"Alright, here I go." Kiesha says preparing to get out of the car.

"Wait," Baba says grabbing her hand, "Look we only get one chance at this, so make it count." He says.

"You still haven't told me why you need her." Kiesha questions.

"Because she's crucial to the plan. But you don't need to worry about that. You just need to worry about getting her in here and by next week you'll be living with Antonio."

"Okay." Kiesha says, getting out of the sleek black Camaro. She walks up to the automated hospital doors, her heels clicking. She made sure to look professional yet family oriented. A simple nice t shirt with black slacks and black Jimmy Choos.

"Hi. How can I help you ma'am?" A nurse with blues clues scrubs on at the receptions desk ask her.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my niece. Her parents sent me to get her. Here I have a note and my ID." Kiesha says reaching into her purse and handing it to the nurse.

"Her parents do know the treatment isn't over, right?" The nurse says.

"Yes but as you can see in the note they're transferring her to a private hospital." Kiesha lies smoothly.

"Yes I see." The nurse says reading it over. She begins to look up some information on the computer.

"Avyahna, one of her God Mothers?" The nurse says.

"Yes that's me." Keisha says nodding.

"Okay we'll be right out with her. Give us about ten minutes. Please be reminded that she may not remember you." The nurse stresses.

"I understand completely." Kiesha says going to sit down.

*Stupid ass husband, you just had to go put a fucking child in the psychiatric ward huh? Now you see why you couldn't be with me? You are just too damn weak.* Keisha thinks, shaking her head slowly. The time passes slowly, but sure enough the nurse come out with a fresh faced little girl about twelve, skin tone like melted caramel, with big brown eyes and full pink lips.

"Hi Angel. You probably don't remember me. I'm your Aunt Avyahna." Kiesha say. She looks around at the nurses, they nod. She waves nervously. Kiesha hold out her and Angel grasps it firmly with her small small, supple ones.

"Tell the nice nurses thank you." Kiesha says.

"Thank you." Angel says softly, then waves goodbye as she walks with Kiesha. They make their way to the black Camaro. Kiesha, believing to be out of cameras sight, reaches into her purse and grabs the chloroform soaked cloth and quickly places it over Angel's nose and mouth. A sweet little Angel falls, limply into Kiesha's arms. She places her in the car, binding her wrists and ankles.

"Good work, Keisha." Baba says.

"Yeah, whatever. All I know is I better be with Antonio by next week." Kiesha says buckling up Angel in the backseat. She does a small wave before getting into her Jeep Patriot parked next to the Camaro, then drives off. Baba looks back at the unconscious Angel, before smiling sinisterly and driving the opposite direction.

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