Well, fun's over and nothing's changed...

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Chapter 2:

After eating, we're still sitting here, talking. Trey is a real down to earth person, still a lil thuggish but hey, why change a good thing? His ex wife, tried to take all of his money, which is why she's his ex. And he got full custody of his child, mostly because she was deemed a unfit parent.

"No, really."I say. Trey laughs.

"I find that hard to believe."He says shaking his head.

"I swear, Tonio actually flipped off people when he was a baby. I think he thought it meant bye."I say laughing.

"Well, maybe a form of bye. Just not a good one."He says, I nod, still snickering. My phone rings playing You're Everything to Me by Monica letting me know it's one of the kids.

"Sorry, it's one of my kids, hold on."I say, then answer.

"Hello?"I say.

"Ma....when are you coming home?"Angel says sounding tired into the phone.

"I dunno..uh what time is it?"I say, checking my non existent watch. Trey chuckles and holds out his wrist for me to see the time. It's 1:36 am. Shit. I smile at Trey.

"Oh, wow way later than it feels. Is any of those kids still there?"I say.

"Uh, just the ones you, Mmmmm. Saw when you left. They asleep wit Javi and Tonio in the basement. Some of Janelle friends, one maybe two I think. Owwww. But they in her room sleep."She says, sounding off.

"Angel, what's wrong?"I say.

"Well...uh...I'm sick."She says sounding uncomfortable.

"Sick? What you talkin bout? You were fine earlier."I say.

"No, Ma. I'm sick...y'know. Like...mmmm. Ow. My first cycle."She whispers. My eyes go wide.

"Oh...."I eye Trey, not wanting to put her business out there.

"¿Tienes algo para él?"I ask. {Do you have something for it?}

"Oh you're around people? And yeah. Ughhhhh... Thanks for not saying that in Eng-ugh. Yeah, not for the pain though."She groans.

"Ir en mi cuarto de baño, mirar en el armario de la medicina para las píldoras calambre."I tell her. {Go in my bathroom, look in the medicine closet for cramp pills.}

"Alright, thanks Ma."She says.

"No problem...is Antonio home?"I ask.

"Uh...no. I don't think so."She say, mmm I see how it is.

"Okay. I'll be home soon. Love you."I say, hanging up.

"What was that about?"Trey asks.

"She's just sick. Well this was fun, but I have to get home and make sure these kids didn't fuck up my house."I say standing.

"Alright, leggo."He says grinning, I shake my head, smiling too.

After I drop Trey off back at the club to get his car, he gives me his number. He said 'In case, you wanna chill.' Psht I know better. And I know I'm playing with fire. Bur maybe its not fire after all, maybe it's the relief.

I walk into the house, quiet checking the house. First the basement, sure enough I see five teenage boys, knocked out on the couches. Psht, looks like it's proven once again that women in this family party like rockstars. While men, drop like lames.

I check the main floor, making sure nothing is out of place. Yeah sure we're way low on snack foods, but what did I expect, they're teenagers. I go upstairs, checking in Angel's room. Looks like that situation is finally under control. She is knocked out. Them pills sunk in fast, thank the Lord for that.

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