All is good...

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What is Love? Chp 7:

Sorry for the wait...

I'ma warn y'all, this chapter, previous and future chapters have a lot of Ebonics (street talk, 'talking ghetto'), and some Spanish, remember this is an urban fiction book. So please don't complain. And please, fan, share, promote, comment, and of course read! Comments and votes make me so happy. But I haven't been getting them, so I write less. I feel like y'all don't want me to write...anyway I'm rambling. Peace!

Chapter 7:

Tayshaun POV:

"That was great everybody. Take a five minute break."Janelle says then spots me,"Hey Tay! Wassup?"Janelle says walking over to me.

"Nun much. I got bored so I decided to check this out. Nelly kill it. You are amazing."I say truthfully.

"Aw thanks."She says, shrugging it off.

"So who's that short lil Ma over there?"I say nodding my head. She turns.

"Oh you mean Kay-Kay?"She ask, I nod, "Kay-Kay C'mere."She says. The girl leaves her group, and walks over here.

"Yeah?"Kay-Kay says.

"Tayshaun this is my best friend, Kaelyn. Also known as Kay-Kay. Kaelyn, this is my half-brother, Tayshaun."Janelle says. Kay-Kay shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you."She says.

"You, too. You dance like it's your life. You real good."I say. She smiles, proudly.

"It is my life. Thank you."She says.

"Well alright, talk time is done. Dance time is back on."Janelle says pulling Kay-Kay, back over.

"Okay, we doin' the Super Bass routine."Janelle says, nodding at the guy sitting at the radio. I sit on the floor, watching them. Especially Kay-Kay.

Angel POV:

Ugh I hate getting home first. Now I'm bored. Well maybe Jr, and Mateo will play with me.

"Jr! Mateo! Come play with me."I say, walking around downstairs.

"Play with you?"Jr says.

"Aren't we a little old?"Mateo says.

"Nope, it's not like playing house. We can play war."I say.

"War? Like the card game?"Jr says. I shake my head, smiling evilly.

"Nope, follow me. I'm really good at this game."I say walking into the basement.

"How does it work?"Mateo asks.

"Just like war. But its like every one for them self."I say pulling out some boxes, "Here, this has nerf guns, smoke bombs and spy gear in here."I say. They look at each other.

"You take this seriously huh?"Jr asks.

"If you're gonna play, might as well make it feel real."I say, pulling my box over to the couch, "This is all my area. If you want it, you have to take it."I say. They shrug and go claim their own areas. They won't even know what hit them. I cut off the lights, throwing smoke bombs, in both their 'territories'. I pull my night vision goggles over my eyes. I see them both sort of disoriented. I shoot rapidly at them, running them out of their areas. I stealthily run over and stake my flags onto the 'territories'. I click the light back on and turn on the fan.

"What the hell?"Jr says.

"Do you take spy vitamins or something?"Mateo asks. I giggle, shaking my head no.

"Round two?"I ask.

"Oh yeah!"Mateo says.

"Yeah, you took us out within two minutes. We know what to expect now, we got this."Jr says. I laugh, walking away as a twirl a piece of my hair.

What is Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora