Author's Note: Sorry! Read VERY IMPORTANT

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Okay peoples...first of all wanna say sorry for taking like two months to update. But please understand I am an eleventh grader which means I'm studying for the ACT and SAT and on top of that classes. Plus I was working on a new story, and I sometimes get EXTREME writer's block. Sorry for going MIA

Second, sorry for sort of  tricking you with this author's note by thinkimg I added a new chapter (which I will be tonight).

Third, please go check out my new book You Da One (title subject to change). Apparently it's pretty good :) but you do have to be my fan to the latest three chapters. 

Fourth, as much as I hate to say it. I don't feel like you guys really like my work. Threrefore, that's why sometimes I go on "STRIKE". So I will probably start requiring a comment and vote minimum before I update. And since this is a sequel it will be a little higher. So recommend this to your friend's and all that jazz. 

Lastly, THANK YOU sooooo much for even taking the time out to read my book, even though I have a lot of ninja/ghost readers. Love y'all anyway. By the way if you have any ideas on this drop a comment, send a message. Heck email me. Ideas help uploads go way faster. If you want those, please help me out here. LOVE YOU!! Y'all make my world go round and keep me when I'm down :) Love, Me <3

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