Back to Normal...ehh NOT

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Chapter 4:

Harmoni POV:

"What did I say?! Turn the game down or off!"I repeat yelling at the boys. I'm trying to make dinner and they in there foolin'!

"Sorry Ma!"Javi and Tonio chorus.

"Momma! Have you seen my phone?"Janelle yells coming down the stairs. I hear Javier laugh...Uh oh..

"What? No. Go ask your siblings."I say. She groans turning around and walking into the living room.

"Javier, Antonio...where is my phone?"She says. Sounds just like me, I chuckle.

"Ugh, Nelly! Move yo fat butt from in front of the tv! How we gotta 60 inch yet you still cover it?!"Javier says.

"Javier!! Apologize right now!"I yell, taking the macaroni and cheese from the oven.

"Fiiiinnneee...I'm sorry. Now will you move?"He says.

"Where did you hide my phone?!"She yells.

"Lower yo damn voice!"I yell. These kids are driving me crazy.

"You'll never find it..."Javier says evilly. This will not end well.

"Antonio, pause the game."I advise.

"Why?"He says, pausing it.

"Okay Janelle."I say. I hear her scream, "Stupid, you not slick!" and I turn around to see her jump on top of Javier and start to beat him. I can't help but laugh.

"Ahhh!!!"He says, trying to fight back. Finally he pushes her off, pinning her arms to the floor...not smart. She kicks him where the sun don't shine.

"Ooohhgggghhh."He groans letting go over her, she gets up and pushes him over. Then she stands up and puts her foot, hovering over his ya know.

"Tell me where it is, or your berries won't just be bruised but squashed."She threatens.

"Alright! It's at the bottom of my hamper."He yells.

"What?!"She screeches, I hear her pound up the stairs. I pop the biscuits in the oven and wash my hands. I check on my greens, coming along not there yet. The doorbell rings. I look at Sal and Mario, they stand on either sides of the door. Mario looks out the window.

"It's the police, and not Antonio."He says.

"Okay which one of you suckas did something? Because I know it wasn't my Angel."I say, she comes down the stairs.

"Sure wasn't."She says. I walk over, check in the mirror, then open the door.

"Good evening ma'am. Sorry to bother you. But we have some news. May we come in?"An officer says. I open the door wider. Two officers, followed by a teenage boy with a duffel by walk in.

"Okay. Um...."I say.

"I'm officer Johnson, this my partner officer Yarrow, can we talk privately?."He says. I motion for them to follow me into the kitchen. Officer Yarrow, tells the boy to stay in the living room and follows quickly behind.

"You want the short or the long?"Yarrow says, quietly looking over at the boy.

"Short."I say, leaning against the counter. I am not comfortable at all, let's get this over with.

"Well basically. This guy's mom passed aways yesterday. She had no living relatives at all. So he could either be put in the system or put with his father..."Officer Johnson say. Wait as second...Oh God.

"Tayshaun?"I ask.

"Aye how you know my name?"Tayshaun says. Nosey, I think as my eyes widen.

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