I'm All Woman

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Jensen moved towards the front desk. There, as expected, he passed the boss of the office he was heading towards.

They made quick eye contact before sharing a nod. Then, he entered the elevator and Jensen stepped into the main lobby.

"Excuse me sir, are you here to see someone?" The receptionist asked.

He quickly waved it off. "yeah I'm here for, the ugh computer repair." The outfit change in the elevator helped back up his story. "already saw him, he said go on in."

"Ugh I don't think that's a good idea!" She called down the hall as he moved towards the office.

"No don't worry about it. It's fine... nice dress!" Leaving at that, Jensen entered the office and closed the door behind him.

"Nice dress, really Jensen?" He asked himself. "that's the best you could do."

Calvin quickly responded to him. "Go easy on yourself Jen, some girls might find that flattering."

"Really?" He began setting up at the desk. The computer was big, a dinasour to say the least.

"No." Calvin hissed. "now hurry up and get your shit done. Floor 23."

Rolling his eyes he began hacking the first wall. Server after server crashed under the control of his fingers until eventually, he had what he was looking for. "I found it I found it."

"Good job."

"Oh my god Calvin was that a compliment?"

"Don't get used to it" he could hear her grunting as she still scaled the stairs. "almost to your floor. Elevators are off line for the time being, so hurry up. "

All he had left to do was download. The percent built up and up and up. His eyes frequently looking out the office window as it did so. The owner of this office would be returning soon. Once he got down to the lobby, find out there was no meeting client, he would know something was up.

Calvin was working her way up locking each door staircase as they went. This way, both Calvin and Jensen could get to the parking garage without running into security. Rogue, pooch, and clay would be Manning the control system from the van.

Finally, she was able to reach Jen's floor. As soon as she did, her legs calmed and she began walking at a slower calm pace. It was hard to control her breathing, but after years of training she was able to do it. 

"Come on. Really?" a voice suddenly came through Jensen's side. However, it wasn't him. 

"Ugh..." Jen's voice crackled through. "Shit." Then it all went to hell. He was panting like a dog and hollering for clay through the ear piece. "Clay, Clay which way do I go?" 

"Left." The smooth voice immediately answered from the other side. 

"Clay, what way is he moving?" She began picking up pace. 

It took a short second, but he responded. "South side."

"On it. Coug you in position?" 

"Si Chiquita."

A chuckle left her lips. "Come on Coug..." Chiquita meant little girl in his native tongue. "I'm all woman." 

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