I'm In

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Calvin rose her pistol once more firing a shot in Aisha's direction. The two had been nearly everywhere across the city, 911 calls going off probably about every other block.

Back at the safehouse, clay had told her that there were choppers everywhere. The boys got out using the van, but where they were? It was still undetermined.

For now, she focused on Aisha.

Rooftop after rooftop flew beneath her feet. Every now and again the woman would roll trying to use their momentum. Each was wounded though, so their reactions were slower and delayed. Calvin however, was able to hold it together more than Aisha.

That's why she was closing the distance.

It wasn't until they were level with the last four roofs that she could see it though. There, waiting for her, was a chopper. The bird was already running and ready to go.

This was planned, she had been planning to kill the losers just like max.

Knowing that this would be her last chance to catch the woman, Calvin sped up her pace. She had three shots left, and she needed to use them wisely.

Step after step brought her closer. However, after the final leap, Calvin rolled watching as Aisha climbed into the chopper and it began to take off 


As fast as her sore legs would take her, Calvin tucked her shoulders down and tensed her arms. Aisha wasn't getting away from her.

In one leap, Calvin was flying off the side of the building beneath her and through the air. A sharp pain washed through her body as her hands gripped the landing bar above, but there wasn't enough momentum to make her let go. The bird swung back and forth before lurching forward across the city.

"Son of a bitch." Calvin hissed forcing her body to through her legs around the bar as well. Large gusts of wind pushed the hair from her face making her eyes water from dryness.

Getting her balance was the next task at hand. With every possible handle around her, the marine pushed herself onto all fours. Then, in one stretch, she let out a breath and grabbed onto the bar above her.

Somehow, it looked like Aisha thought she got away. It wasn't something she could just assume though. If she had the element of surprise, she was going to use it.

Ripping open the pilot door, Calvin used one of her shots taking him out. Immediately the bird began to spin as his body clashed against the controls. Alarm after alarm sounded as the tail end did circles around them.

Soon enough, it had turned into an all out cat fight. Fists were thrown, shots were taken, and eventually Aisha had pulled her gun. Quickly Calvin grabbed ahold of the ceiling above her an dusted her feet to disarm the woman before her. Then, as Aisha dove for the gun, Calvin pulled hers and fired off a shot. At the same time, the chopper went into a makeshift barrel roll causing Calvin's feet to slip. Before she knew it, Aisha was sending out a scream of pain and Cal was on the ledge of the chopper again.

This time however, a new idea came to her.

Seeing the smoke, sparks, and fire coming from the back; the marine rose her last shot and let it go straight into the fuel tank.

Then, and only then, did Calvin let Aisha go.

The river below served as a great cushion for the fall. It was cold, dark, and soul wretching, but as Calvin burst back through the surface, she was relieved to see herself as alive.

Long lines of water dripped down her face as she watched the bird spin out of control. Then, as it got lower and lower into the run down city, a large crash and ball of flames towered above.

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