The Leaf Kingdom

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  Sun woke up to the sound of screams and the sound of destruction. He raced to the guest room where Mist slept. "WAKE UP!" he screeched. She shot up, startled. She gasped as she heard the screams and ran to wake up Free while Sun went to wake up Dream and Spike. The castle was on fire. They escaped the castle and looked at it. It was filled with holes and fire. "We can't be destroyed by our own element!" Sun yelled, devastated. "Wait, where is Ever?!" Free asked, panicking. "There!" Spike screeched, pointing at the top of the castle. They saw Ever limping away from the flames hurriedly. Dream gasped as he tripped and the flames started to catch up to him.
  "EVER! JUMP ON THAT TREE!" Sun yelled, pointing at a nearby tree. He saw Ever shake his head, worry glinting in his eyes. "He's still scared of going on trees again!" Free hissed. The flames started to close in. Ever gulped and jumped towards the tree. His paralysed leg weighed him down and he caught onto the branch, swinging. The branch started to break, making him screech. Suddenly, a blinding light shone from Ever. The branch rebuilt itself, creaking. The light disappeared and there, standing on the branch, was a Leafeon. Not just a Leafeon, but Ever, evolved. "Ever evolved into a Leafeon!" Mist gasped. They all gasped as he placed his right hind leg down. Even Ever was surprised. "His leg isn't paralyzed anymore!" Dream exclaimed, crying with tears of joy. Just then Razor Leafs zipped by them, cutting Sun and knocking him down.
  Mist turned to him and helped him back up as a figure let out an evil laugh. "It's King Slice," Spike growled, readying an Electro ball. "The Leaf Kingdom will take your Kingdom down!" Slice cackled. Ever jumped down from the tree, growling. Dream attacked with water pulse, Spike attacked with Electro Ball, Ever attacked with Vine Whip(he just learned it), Mist attacked with Bite, Sun attacked with Psychic, and Free attacked with Fairy Wind. They hit all at the same time... Not a scratch was on him. He laughed and attacked Ever with Flamethrower. Ever dodged it just barely."I'll pick you off, one by one!" Slice growled and made a cage of flame around him and Ever. The flames couldn't be put out, either. They were stuck just watching. Slice cackled evilly. It was Ever's fight now.

Hello everyone! Are you enjoying the story so far? If so then I'm glad. Please tell me what you think of it in the comments and if you to try to guess what's going to happen next, go right ahead!

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