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  The next morning, Dream raced into Sun's room. "Hey Sun~" she called. "Go away" a menacing growl came from under the blankets. Dream looked confused. He doesn't usually do this... He's always playful... Dream thought before ripping the blankets off him. She gasped. This Espeon was NOT Sun. This Espeon was white with red and black eyes, a scar across one of his eyes, and a red diamond. His missing eye was even there! She ran away to get Free and Ever. When they came back, he was gone. "No... No, No, NO!" Dream hissed in despair.  Loud giggles filled the castle, making them feel uneasy. "Free, the secret room!" she whispered to her. Free nodded and brought them to her room. She closed the door and opened a treasure chest. "Hop in," she instructed. They obeyed and one by one they climbed in. Inside was a huge library for pokemon moves and magic. "We have to search the library," she stated. They groaned and got to work.
(Magical time skip cause I'm lazy :P)
  "I found something!" Ever yowled, waving a book in the air. Free grabbed it from him and flipped through it. She nodded. "Good job. This is just what we need," she praised him. He felt like he was about to burst with pride. Dream smiled and patted his head. He grinned back at her. Free gasped in horror. They turned to her, confused. "I-It says W...e h-have to... K-Kill h...im," she stuttered before blacking out. Dream gasped and caught Free. "We can't kill him! He's the strongest one out of all of us! Even Free doesn't stand a chance!" Ever exclaimed, eyes wide in worry. Dream nodded sadly. She set Free down carefully. Just then, the giggles came back. "I have finally found you!" He sighed as he appeared. Dream shot water out of her mouth, hitting him and knocking him against a bookcase, sending dust everywhere. He jumped out of the dust and hypnotized her. He whispered something in her ear and snapped his fingers. Dream woke up and turned to Ever. He gasped. Dream's eyes were red and black now, just like Sun's. 10 water Vaporeons appeared. Dream motioned her paw at Ever. The water Vaporeons shot towards him, hitting him in the chest. He looked at Free and noticed she was waking up. She looked at Dream and Sun. Scrambling up she got in an attacking position. "You ready?" She asked Ever. He nodded, tensing up. "Then let's go!" She yowled as they leaped at them.

I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger :P

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