Near the Gate

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  Free gasped at the sight of the cave. It was gorgeous. Just then. Flames erupted from the castle. Free's jaw dropped as she saw Ash fly out of the castle followed by all the others. Iceflake made and Ice path in the air all the way out of the kingdom. Free turned to see Ring with the same shocked face as her. Iceflake and everyone else plopped down in front of her. Free heard Ring growl and step forward. "You broke my castle!!!" He snarled, eyes full of hate. Finally, Ash fell down and scrambled back up yelling," Ash is back!!!" Ring hissed and pinned Ash down, readying a black beam. Free shoved him off and helped Ash up. Shadow smirked at Ring smugly as Free dragged him away. "What were you thinking!?" Free lashed out angrily.
  Ring hung his head in shame and apologized, but Free didn't accept as she stormed off back to her friends. He watched her go, ears pulled back sadly. Slowly, sadness turned to hatred as he glared at Shadow. I will kill him one day... he thought, growling.
                                             Shadow's POV
  Free was mine and now, Ring couldn't do anything. I looked over at him and froze. He glared at me. I felt like daggers in my pelt as we turned to where we came from. Free looked at me sweetly. Soon, I forgot Ring was even there as I stared into Free's eyes.
                                                Ring's POV
  Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful. I knew underneath all that good was the wish to kill. I crept after them, staying in the shadows. When nobody was looking, I grabbed Shadow and pulled him back to the cave, covering his mouth with my paw. I uncovered it and plugged my ears and he let out a screech. Luckily, we were far enough that they wouldn't hear us.
  "Let's fight," I growled, lashing out at him. He kicked sand in my eyes. I was blinded! I felt him bite my shoulder. I wailed in pain and shot a beam at him, the sand gone from my eyes. It threw him against the cave wall. He hissed defiantly, jumping at me. "FREE IS MINE!!!" I growled, jumping over him and throwing 20 shadow balls at him. "NO, SHE'S MINE!!!" he retorted after being hit and biting my tail. I yelped and bit his throat. He coughed out blood, staggering. I laughed at how crippled he looked. I knew he was near the gate of death.
  I trotted over to him. I loved killing. It felt so great, all the pain. I giggled and stomped on his head. Just then, a powerful force knocked my off. To my surprise and utter despair, it was Free. She growled at me after checking Shadow's wounds and healing them. "Your lucky I'm nice," she hissed, healing me, too. (Yup!! Just like she was so "nice" to you when you almost hurt Ash!!!)
  "Listen, I was only fighting for you," I grumbled, laying down. "Yeah, but Shadow almost..."


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