Ever the Leafeon

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  Ever threw himself at Slice. He jumped over him and made a fire tornado appear. It sucked Ever up and threw him against the fire cage. It burned him. He heard a screech nearby. He turned and saw Iceflake the Glaceon(his crush) watching him. He turned back to Slice and growled. He tackled him and cut him with his razor leafs. Slice yelped, backing away. He could her Iceflake cheering him on, giving him strength. He kicked sand in Slice's eyes and made a 20 vines appear. They zipped forward and cut him once more. The cage disappeared, Slice was defeated. They congratulated Ever, even Iceflake. She blushed at him, smiling. He blushed too, looking at his paws, embarrassed. When the Leaf Kingdom realized Slice had been defeated, they retreated. All they had to do was fix all of the damage.

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