Chapter 4: One last chance

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" I'm sorry Mrs Recner, this isn't good. The chemotherapy you are currently on is failing. New tumours have grown and they are spreading.... This is a TRAGEDY...." The doctor said. Emily was curled up next to her mother in her hospital bed, yet she heard everything he said. Though she could not understand all of the words the last four were the ones that stood out.

At this point Emily's mother had been in hospital for 5 months. She was bald now, the chemotherapy had taken away her hair and her eyes were half sunken from all the pain she has been in, all the radiation treatments she has had. All the times she'd had countless amounts of treatments and surgery to try and help her and yet at this moment it seemed as if she was breaking. Like her joyful spirit had left her body.  Emily would always ignore these things, pretend that things were the same. But.. they weren't. Her mother was heavily sick, dosed up on drugs and barely able to go out anymore. Plastic tubes snaked around her body. She didn't look the same anymore, but Emily didn't mind. She just wanted her mum. She wanted to be held, to be smiled at, to be loved.

Her mother was talking to the doctor. A look of desperation across her face. She was asking about everything, begging,  pleading for more that they could do but the doctor simply shook his head. Emily sat up looking at the doctor, plead in her eyes as she wanted her mum to live. She wanted her to stay. The doctor looked over at her, then look back at her mother before finally saying" if you really insist we can throw everything we've got at it, but after that if it still comes back then I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do" he said. " Thank you" Emily's mum said, looking over at Emily who was now sitting up next to her.

The doctor left the room. " Mummy why does the medicine make you go bald?" Emily said. " it's a very strong medicine and because of that it gets rid of my hair, but it's ok because it is trying to help me." Her mum said.   "but it isn't helping, the doctor said." Emily pointed out. " Yes sweetheart but they are going to try something else to help me, so I'm sorry Em but I will be here for longer." " It's ok mummy, as long as you get better" Emily smiled. Her mum smiled back.

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