Chapter 13: It gets worse

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She had been going for radiation every day. She had been having the same talks for weeks. She was sick of it.

Emily knew that the radiation wasn't working too well. She had been off chemo for a while and though she still hadn't grown much more than a stubble of hair back on her head there was still lots of tumors wriddled with cancer around her body. She knew that they won't be able to stop the spread forever and that she was going to die from it. Though she did not fear it, she knew it was going to get her whether she liked it or not so why fear?

Dr Marvin would alway try to make the situation sound better than it was. She was DYING. It was clear. Her dad knew, her brother knew. Cancer was out to get her and there's no where she could hide.

" I'm sorry Emily. The radiation isn't working as well as it used to" Dr Marvin said. " I think you know that too. But now we are going to throw everything we have at it." " And if that doesn't work?" Emily asked. "Let's talk about that if we get there" he said avoiding the topic.

Emily knew that the next week was going to be full of intesive radiation therapies and chemo topped with antibiotics and many more drugs.  'This is where it is going to go downhill' Emily thought.'They're gonna throw everything at it.. and it won't work, then I'll be left to die like my mum did.'

She still had her friends. Some of them were getting better. Like Rachel , Tyler and Zack were able to get rid of most of their tumors. Olivia was struggling too. She had lung cancer and wasn't going too well. Just the same as Emily but they had each other and that's what matters. Company. Which is more than Em could have asked for.

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