Chapter 11: Nothingness

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Weeks went by. Emily carried on with constant radiation therapy to kill the tumors in her stomach. Her friends were there to support her. Sending her messages on their chat:

Olivia: go on Em
Tyler: kick those tumors butts
Adam: you can do it!!
Rachel: you go Glenn Coco
Zack: fight back girl. You strong

It made Emily smile to think that these people care about her. After her radiation she went for lunch and sat with them. " where's Adam?" she asked. " he's not doing too well" zack replied looking down at his tray. "Adam has gone into a bad state. Poor kid he's the youngest out of all of us and he's going through so much pain" olivia said. " what cancer does he have?" Emily asked. " it's in his heart" tyler said. That's probably the worst after the brain, poor Adam had been suffering for a long time. The cancer had now started spreading fast and he wasn't well enough to get out of bed. Everyone was upset because they knew that he has the worst out of all of them. Emily knew that too and after eating she looked into his room. She saw him and waved, he made a small hand gesture back and then Emily went back to her room. She slept for a while, trying to stop herself from throwing up her food agian. She knew she was getting thinnner by the day, and weaker too; so she decided to rest until she was awoken by a notification on her phone.

12:06- sorry to tell you guys this but after a long hard battle, Adam has died when his cancer stopped his heart. Thank you to all of you who looked after him and made him smile and laugh. He will be dearly missed and remembered for the happy boy he was. Thank you once again for looking after my baby. -Adams Mum ( Cynthia)

Em looked at her screen in shock. Tears rolling down her cheeks just thinking that Adam had died right here, she'd waved at him a couple of hours ago and now he..... died. It shook her to the core.

After that Emily couldn't get back to sleep. She sat in bed for the whole night thinking about Adam. About his death. And how it could easily have been one of the rest of the group. She felt empty as she carried on thinking about her friend. How he had just died.

Then Emily felt nothing... before an agonising pain stabbed her stomach.

The Beauty Of Nothingness Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon