Chapter 16: My own terms

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Emilys POV

Time had run out for me. I'm done with my life. I jogged for the lake. I knew my way there and although I was weak I just had enough will power to get there. It's all I wanted. My dying wish was to come here when time is just finishing me off.

I scaled a fence and jumped down onto the soft grass. Using my phones torch as a guide I searched around until I finally caught a glimpse of it. I started running. Ignoring the pain inside me I  got there... the lake.

It's water shining in the moonlight. Though there were no stars out tonight, I knew they were there somewhere. I never truly realised the beauty in nothingness. Like the nights sky on the water. Not just any water. My mum's here. This is her lake.... and my dying wish is to be by her side... one last time.  I sat by the lakeside watching the waves lap over the earth.

This is it. Time can take me now.

Wait... the box. I scrambled through my handbag and picked it out. I lifted up the lid of the box to reveal a note.

From the day I saw you, You were beautiful. And now while you die slowly just remember that I love you and I'm proud that I was able to know you deeply and I will miss you dearly.
Love Zack
Ps- you don't have to use it if you don't want to but I stole it from my Dad, he's a member of the army, so you could use it to get rid of your pain. Go on your own terms.

Putting the note to one side I uncovered the wrapping paper covering the object. Staring at it in shock. This is how I can defeat time. Going out on my own terms.

Zack had given me a gun.

It was a small pistol. I picked it up, looking at it before knowing that this is what I need to do. I cocked it to my temple.

This is it. I'm going to die. Not alone, no... but with the company of my mum. Just like I wanted.

"I want to be with her.... Forever" 

I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

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