Chapter 10: People

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Days. weeks. months went by. Emily started chemotherapy as early as possible to try and kill it off. She lost her hair too and she wore a piece of fabric over it to cover up her bald head. She felt ashamed of it. Her brother and dad would visit every morning before they went off and did their everyday things. And then Emily was left alone for the rest of the day. She spent her time watching tv or on her phone until the people at the hospital made her go to a social event for the teenagers at the hospital. Emily, being shy didn't want to go but they made her go anyways.

That was where she met a group. People who had cancer like her. They called themselves "bald eagles" which with the chemo they go through made sense, it made Emily laugh which again she hadn't done in a long time. The group was made up of three boys and two girls( not including Emily).

There was Tyler:16, he was tall and had green eyes and freckles and was white as snow, he loved to laugh and constantly made jokes.
Adam:13, quite lanky, he had dark brown eyes, dark skin and a very deep voice for his age.
Zack:15,very loud and always smiling, he had blue eyes and olive skin.
Rachel:15, she was quite socially awkward but still joked about, she had dark eyes and skin.
Olivia:14, very happy, she had hazel eyes and was very kind.

Emily found herself become part of their group. And once they finally accepted her in they gave her a bandana like thing to wear over her head. Each of them had a different colour bandana which Em found unique. Her's was baby blue to " match her eyes" as Tyler said. She exchanged phone numbers with each of them and they had a group chat full of photos before scans and operations. She felt like she could fit in with them, they were kind and didn't judge her on her bald head. They all had the same.

For once during her time in hospital she wasn't bored. And she now had good friends who she wanted to keep close as they were all going through the same hell of cancer, just each with their own.

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