Chapter 8: Evil strikes within

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10 years had gone by since the tragedy that was Emily's mums death.
Coping was a whole different story for Emily. She became more shy and introverted. Yes she made friends when she went to high school but she was still healing from the event and would visit her mum's grave every month. Her best friend Molly was the only one who knew everything that had happened and she understood it. Emily felt lucky to have her.

It was summer. Hot and sunny and Emily was planning on spending her time with her best friend before they go into their exam year. Yet on that first day as soon as Emily woke up she felt as if a ball of fire had plunged into her. Rushing to the bathroom in agony she threw up the contents of her stomach. But when she looked down into the toilet all she saw was a sea of thick red blood. Her body felt so weak and fragile as she began to shame uncontrolably. The burning inside her spreading up her through her body. She screamed out in pain. Immediately her dad ran into the bathroom followed by her brother "Emily" her dad said." We need to get you to hospital." He gestured for Callum to call for an ambulance.. and it came. They lifted Emily onto a stretcher and carried her out to the ambulance. She was still in so much pain that she wanted to rip out her organs. Cal and her dad in the ambulance with her, the paramedic gave her an injection for pain relief and after that Emily blacked out.

She woke up in a hospital bed. A doctor was sitting by her bedside. He seemed familiar. " Hello Emily" he said" you must have gave your family a fright with that" he carried on. " you may not remember me but my name is Dr Marvin."Emily opened her mouth and said" you treated my mum didn't you?" " Yes. Yes I did and I'm going to have to run a couple of tests on you to check if you have the same condition" Dr Marvin said. " wait... I might have the same thing my mum had" Emily said shocked. " Yes. Your mother had stomach cancer and what you experienced this morning can be considered a sign of it. But we will give you a CT scan to check for any cancerous tumors. So we would like to get started straight away" he informed. " where are my family?" Emily asked. " They had to go. Your dad had work and your brother has a summer job. Can you follow me please?" The doctor said. Emily did as she was told and followed Dr Marvin out of the room, although she felt her legs getting weaker after each step, she carried on walking. " You are going to be at this hospital for at least a couple of days so I would suggest you get a hospital gown and wear that." Dr Marvin said.

After Emily had the horrible hospital gown on she was taken into the room with a giant machine.She remembered seeing her mum in one of them. They told her to lie down and stay still while the machine scanned her.  Afterwards she went to the hospital canteen to get lunch. The food there wasn't great but it was still a meal. However that meal didn't last too long as once she got back to her room she threw it up straight away.

Everything at the hospital had a connection to her mum. The canteen where she would sit with her, the halways, the rooms and the hospital gown was the same as the one her mum wore. Even the colour scheme matched. Those muted colours of green, blue and white; so plain uet dull. Emily knew that this all  reminded her of  her mother as she was treated here for months before she died.

She lay on the uncomfy bed and tried to forget everything...

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